Jumat, 10 Desember 2021

Some Legal Aspects of Export-Import According to Indonesian Law


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the Hukumindo.com platform has talk about "The Role of Law in Sharia Economic Development" read also "Who's Legally Represents The Company In Indonesia?" and on this occasion we will discuss about Some Legal Aspects of Export-Import According to Indonesian Law.

Global Trade

Trade globalization is one type of economic globalization and a way (economic indicator) of implementing economic integration. At the national level, trade globalization roughly represents the proportion of all production that crosses national borders, as well as the number of jobs in countries that depend on foreign trade. At the global level, globalization of trade represents the proportion of all world production used for imports and exports between countries.[1]

International trade is a trade between countries which includes the process of export and import which is very influential on state income. International trade involves currency as a buying and selling transaction between countries and the laws used in accordance with international law. International trade can involve two or more countries with the exchange of goods or services.[2]

Indonesia's Export Leading Products 

As a country that is also involved in global trade, Indonesia has several superior products, namely:[3]
  1. Shrimp (Udang), with export destination countries including: Japan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam, USA, Belgium, England, Spain, French, Canada, Dutch, Italy, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam, USA, Belgium, UK, Spain, France, Canada, Netherlands, Italy, Germany;
  2. Coffee (Kopi), with export destinations including: Brazil, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Argentina, USA, England, India, China, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Egypt , Iran;
  3. Palm Oil (Minyak Sawit), with export destinations including: India, China, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Jordan, Tanzania, South Africa, Egypt, Iran, Mozambique, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Russia, USA;
  4. Cocoa (Kakao), with export destinations: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China, India, Japan, Philippine, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, USA, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Dutch, Russia, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Mali, Malaysia, Singapore;
  5. Rubber and Rubber Products (Karet dan Produk Karet), with export destinations: Japan, Malaysia, Philippine, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, South Korea, USA, England, German, Belgium, Italy, Dutch, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Egypt;
  6. Textiles & Textile Products (Textil dan Produk Textil), with export destinations:  USA, England, Germany, Panama, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Dutch, Spain, French, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya, Tunisia, Sudan;
  7. Footwear (Alas Kaki), with export destination countries: USA, Belgium, England, French, Italy, German, Mexico, Spain, Canada, Chile, Panama, Turk, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Australia, China, Hong Kong;
  8. Electronics (Elektronik), with export destination countries: Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, German, Dutch, Italy, Belgium, Poland, USA, England, Denmark, French, Greece;
  9. Motor Vehicle Components (Komponen Kendaraan Bermotor), with destination countries: USA, French, England, German, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Philippine, USA, Canada, Belgium, Turkey, South Africa, Iran, Saudi Arabia;
  10. Furniture (Mebel), with export destination countries: USA, French, England, Dutch, Belgium, Spain, German, Italy, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korean, Taiwan, China, South Africa. 

Import-Export Legal Terminology

If referring to Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade, there are several related terminology, including the following:[4]
  • According to Article 1 number 16 of Law 7/2014: Export is the activity of removing goods from the Customs Area.
  • According to: Article 1 number 17 of Law 7/2014, Exporters are individuals or institutions or business entities, whether in the form of legal entities or not legal entities that carry out exports.
  • According to Article 1 number 18 of Law 7/2014: Import is the activity of entering Goods into the Customs Area.
  • According to Article 1 number 19 of Law 7/2014: Importers are individuals or institutions or business entities, whether in the form of legal entities or not legal entities that carry out imports.

Some Legal Aspects

By law, the relationship between exporters (Indonesia) and importers (Country of Export Destination) in global trade is bound by an agreement as regulated in Article 1313 of the Civil Code (“KUH Perdata”) which reads as follows: "An agreement is an act in which one or more persons bind themselves to one or more other persons". From this agreement between the exporter and the importer, legal consequences arise between the parties who make the agreement covering the rights and obligations of each. [5] And if you have any issue with this topic, contact us, feel free in 24 hours, we will be glad to help you.

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Globalisasi perdagangan", id.wikipedia.org., Diakses pada tanggal 10 Desember 2021, https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalisasi_perdagangan
2. "Perdagangan Internasional, Pengertian dan Manfaatnya", indomaritim.id., Diakses pada tanggal 10 Desember 2021, https://indomaritim.id/perdagangan-internasional-pengertian-dan-manfaatnya/
3. "Produk Unggulan Indonesia", ppei.kemendag.go.id., Diakses pada tanggal 10 Desember 2021, http://ppei.kemendag.go.id/produk-unggulan-indonesia/
4. Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade.
5. Civil Code (“KUH Perdata”).

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