Kamis, 16 Februari 2023

Indonesian Immigration Launches Pre-Investment Visit Visa, These are the Requirements


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Woman in Lampung Arrested for Remarrying Without Husband's Permit", "Knowing the Terms of Visiting Visa in Indonesia", "Does Indonesia Implementing Citizenship By Investment?" you may read also "Indonesia Launches Second Home Visa" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Indonesian Immigration Launches Pre-Investment Visit Visa, These are the Requirements'.

The Directorate General of Immigration officially launched the Pre-Investment Visit Visa service on Wednesday (8/2/2023). "Through the Pre-investment Visit Visa, Immigration makes it easy for world-class investors to come to Indonesia in order to study and review business potential in the sectors they are targeting," said Public Relations Sub-coordinator of the Directorate General of Immigration Achmad Nur Saleh, in a written statement, Wednesday (8/2 /2023).[1]

The Pre-Investment Visa is considered as a solution to create an increasingly conducive investment climate for middle to upper class Foreign Citizens (WNA). In addition, added Achmad, foreigners can also take care of investor administration with the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), lawyers and notaries. "So, foreigners can prepare everything optimally," he said.[2]

Terms and how to make a Pre-Investment Visit Visa

For your information, the validity period of the Pre-Investment Visit Visa is 180 days with a Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) fee of IDR 6 million. Pre-investment Visit Visa can be submitted online through the website molina.imigration.go.id. "The applicant does not need a guarantor or sponsor in Indonesia," said Achmad. Here's how to apply for a Pre-Investment Visit Visa:[3]
  1. Before filling an application, foreigners need to register an account first;
  2. Foreigners can 'log-in' and 'fill out' the available forms;
  3. If all data is confirmed is correct, the process continues to the payment page;
  4. Payment can be made with a credit or debit card bearing the Visa, Mastercard or JCB logo. The card used does not have to be in the name of the foreigner concerned;
  5. If the application and payment have been completed, the foreigner will receive a visa document in electronic form sent via e-mail.
And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Imigrasi Luncurkan Visa Kunjungan Pra-Investasi, Ini Syaratnya", travel.kompas.com., Diakses pada tanggal 11 Februari 2023, Link: https://travel.kompas.com/read/2023/02/10/110700427/imigrasi-luncurkan-visa-kunjungan-pra-investasi-ini-syaratnya
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

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