Rabu, 15 Februari 2023

Woman in Lampung Arrested for Remarrying Without Husband's Permit


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Trapped in Debt, Asking for a Solution to the Shaman, Tasikmalaya Residents Even Lose IDR 10 Million", "The Case of Fake Doctors in Indonesian Soccer", "These 5 Types of Online Fraud You Should Avoid" you may read also "The Murder Case of Anjani Bee, which is Still a Mystery" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Woman in Lampung Arrested for Remarrying Without Husband's Permit'.

A woman in Tulang Bawang district, Lampung province, initials: YL, was reported to the police for remarrying without her husband's permit. YL has also been arrested and made a suspect. YL was reported by her husband, AD, to the Tulang Bawang Police because she remarried to another man. AD is YL's second husband, after divorcing her first husband.[1]

"Yes, it's true, AD's husband from YL came to the office with evidence and a marriage certificate. In the report, the victim was hurt and felt betrayed because his wife remarried. Even the marriage was carried out without his knowledge and consent, aka secretly," said Kasatreskrim (Head of the criminal investigation unit) Tulang Bawang District Police, AKP (Assistant Commissioner of Police) Dailami. Dailami revealed, when carrying out her third marriage, YL attached evidence of a divorce certificate from her first husband. In fact, after divorcing her first husband, YL has been married to AD since 2020.[2]

"The suspect YL entered into her third marriage by showing a divorce certificate with her first husband and making a statement on a stamp duty that she was ready to take responsibility for her marriage so that the prince and witnesses were sure that YL's status was a widow. Even though she had been legally married to the victim AD since 2020," he explained. YL was then summoned by the police and named a suspect. For this act, YL was named a suspect by violating Article 279 subsidiary 280 more subsidiary 284 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 7 years in prison.[3]

"This suspect came to the Tulang Bawang Barat Police Headquarters after being summoned as a witness. There he admitted that he had married without the consent of a legal husband or committed adultery. After the case was held, we then named YL as a suspect," said Dailami.[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Wanita di Lampung Ditangkap gegara Nikah Lagi Tanpa Sepengetahuan Suami", news.detik.com., Tommy Saputra, Diakses pada tanggal 2 Februari 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-6544198/wanita-di-lampung-ditangkap-gegara-nikah-lagi-tanpa-sepengetahuan-suami
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

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