Rabu, 08 Maret 2023

Strange Case, Robbing IDR 345.000,- Then Hide in a Cave for 14 Years


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Contoh Surat Kuasa Sederhana Gugatan Perceraian Pada Pengadilan Negeri", "Totally Weird Case, Police Officer Steals a Police Motorbike at the Police Station", you may read also "Another Unique Case, Judge Marrying Divorce Plaintiff Becomes Second Wife" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Strange Case, Robbing IDR 345.000,- Then Hide in a Cave for 14 Years'.

In 2009, a man in China named Liu Moufu committed a robbery at a gas station and made away with 156 yuan or around IDR 345.000,- Fearing being caught, he hid in a cave and spent 14 years there. Liu comes from a village in Enshi City, Hubei Province, China. When he was in his mid-30s, in 2009, he took part in a robbery at a gas station along with his brother-in-law and a friend. During the robbery, they got 156 yuan, or around IDR 345.000,- in cash. Of that amount, they spent 60 yuan (IDR. 132.000,-) on food and fireworks. The rest is divided equally and each gets 32 yuan (IDR. 70.000,-). After the rest of the loot was divided equally, the three went their separate ways.[1]

Shorrt story, Liu's brother-in-law's friend was arrested by the Police. Liu was terrified, he felt it was only a matter of time before the Police came at his door and dragged him to the prison. Instead of languishing in prison, Liu decided to run away. For days, he hid in the forest. And sure enough, the police came to his house, conducted a search and questioned his family.[2]

Liu still did not come home. In the forest, he finds a cave and makes it a hiding place. In order to survive, he began to hunt, scavenge for scraps, and occasionally ventured into his native village to steal items such as potatoes and meat. Occasionally, he would sneak into the house to see his parents and wife for a few minutes, then escape back to the cave. He was very careful and only came home every big day. Because he knew, at a moment like that, people would flood into the square and his village would be deserted. However, Liu was seen several times by other people and the police are still looking for him. It is not clear whether his family was aware of Liu's hideout. If they knew, they certainly would not have leaked it to the Police.[3]

He missed his father's funeral, he didn't attend his son's wedding, he hasn't even seen his grandson. Last month, February 2023, Liu finally decided to turn himself in. “I am over 50 years old, my wife is not in very good health, and I have very good grandchildren. I want to live a normal life,” said Liu. Liu showed the police the small cave he had been hiding for the past 14 years. The cave is located deep in a forested mountain area, about 10 km from the nearest human settlement. Liu said that whenever he heard a suspicious sound, he would leave his cave and hide deeper in the forest. Although he has been in hiding for 14 years, he faces up to 10 years in prison for robbing with a gun. On the one hand, even though the amount of money taken is small, robbery is still considered a very serious crime in China. “I robbed 156 yuan and hid in a cave for 14 years. I regret it!” Liu said to investigators.[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Pria Ini Rampok Pompa Bensin dan Ambil Uang Rp. 345.000,- tapi Sembunyi di Gua Sampai 14 Tahun" www.kompas.com., Diakses pada tanggal 5 Maret 2023, Link: https://www.kompas.com/global/read/2023/03/04/093100370/pria-ini-rampok-pompa-bensin-dan-ambil-uang-rp-345.000-tapi-sembunyi-di
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

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