Rabu, 10 Mei 2023

List of 103 Online Loans That Have Permits from the Financial Services Authority in Indonesia


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Sekilas Kisah Irjen Polisi Bibit Samad Riyanto & KPK", "5 Latest Online Fraud Modes and Their Characteristics", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'List of 103 Online Loans That Have Permits from the Financial Services Authority in Indonesia'.

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) updated the list of legal online loans (Pinjol) or fintech peer to peer lending as of March 9, 2023. There are 102 fintech peer-to-peer lending or fintech lending companies with OJK licenses. Fintech lending or pinjol is a lending and borrowing service using the rupiah currency between creditors (lenders) and debtors (loan recipients). This service makes it easy for people to borrow money practically with conditions that are easy to fulfill.[1]

OJK released the latest list of legal loans so that people can check the offers given before applying for a loan. Not only that, fraud from legal loans or other irresponsible parties can be prevented by paying attention to the list of legal loans from the OJK. OJK also urges the public to use fintech lending services that have received a permit. The public can contact OJK contact 157 and telephone number 157 or WhatsApp 081 157 157 157 to check the status of the license to offer financial services products that have been received.[2]

As reported from the OJK website, here is a complete list of legal loans as of March 9, 2023:[3]
  1. Danamas;
  2. investree;
  3. amartha;
  4. DOMPET Kilat;
  5. Boost;
  7. Modalku;
  8. Kredit Pintar;
  9. Maucash;
  10. Finmas;
  11. Akseleran;
  12. Ammana;
  13. PinjamanGO;
  14. KoinP2P;
  15. pohondana;
  16. MEKAR;
  17. AdaKami;
  18. ESTA;
  19. KAPITAL;
  20. FINTEK;
  22. FINTAG;
  24. CROWDO;
  25. Indodana;
  26. JULO;
  27. Pinjamwinwin;
  28. DanaRupiah;
  29. Taralite;
  30. Pinjam Modal;
  31. ALAMI;
  32. AwanTunai;
  33. Danakini;
  34. Singa;
  38. FinPlus;
  39. UangMe;
  40. PinjamDuit;
  42. BATUMBU;
  43. Cashcepat;
  44. klikUMKM;
  45. Gampang;
  46. cicil;
  47. lumbungdana;
  48. 360 KREDI;
  49. Dhanapala;
  50. Kredinesia;
  51. Pintek;
  52. ModalRakyat;
  54. Cairin;
  55. TrustIQ;
  56. KLIK KAMI;
  57. Duha SYARIAH;
  58. Invoila;
  59. Sanders One Stop Solution;
  60. DanaBagus;
  61. UKU;
  62. KREDITO;
  63. AdaPundi;
  64. Lentera Dana Nusantara;
  65. Modal Nasional;
  66. Komunal;
  67. Restock.ID;
  68. TaniFund;
  69. Ringan;
  70. Avantee;
  71. Gradana;
  72. Danacita;
  73. IKI Modal;
  74. Ivoji;
  75. Indofund.id;
  76. iGrow;
  77. UTF-8;
  78. Danai.id;
  79. DUMI;
  81. gazwa.id;
  82. KrediFazz;
  83. Doeku;
  84. Aktivaku;
  85. Danain;
  86. Indosaku;
  87. Jembatan Emas;
  88. EDUFUND;
  89. Gandeng Tangan;
  91. BantuSaku;
  92. danabijak;
  93. Danafix;
  94. AdaModal;
  95. Samakita;
  96. KawanCicil;
  97. CROWDE;
  98. KlikCair;
  99. ETHIS;
  100. SAMIR;
  101. LATAS;
  102. Asetku;
  103. Findaya.

And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Simak Daftar 102 Pinjol Berizin OJK", money.kompas.com., Diakses pada tanggal 7 Mei 2023, Link: https://money.kompas.com/read/2023/04/21/071200026/simak-daftar-102-pinjol-berizin-ojk
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

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