Senin, 12 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Wowon Cs.

(Tribun Jabar)

Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Allegedly a Victim of Investment Fraud PT. Rifan, Customers Lose Nearly IDR. 2 Billion", you may read also "The Police Succeeded in Uncovering The Mode of the Wowon Cs. Murder Case Which Ended up Being a Serial Killer", as with an article that discusses crime series, the following article and the next 6 articles will discuss the most sadistic serial killer cases that have ever happened in Indonesia, and on this first occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Wowon Cs.'. This case is still relatively new, and has not yet reached the relevant court.

The Police arrested three serial killers, namely Wowon Erawan alias Aki (60), Solihin alias Duloh (63), and Dede Solehudin (35). The actions of Wowon cs. were uncovered after five people were found lying foaming at the mouth in a rented house, in West Ciketing Village, RT 02 RW 03, Ciketing Udik Village, Bantargebang District, Bekasi, Thursday, January 12 2023. The five victims were named Maemunah (40), Ridwan (20), Riswandi (16), Neng Ayu (5), and Solehudin alias Dede (35).[1]

Initially, the neighbors heard the victim's voice moaning. Residents then approached the victim's house and saw the victims lying on the floor foaming at the mouth. Of the five victims, there were two survivors namely Neng Ayu and Dede. Initial suspicions that the five victims were poisoned. Kapolda (Regional Police Chief) Metro Jaya, Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran stated that the five victims were deliberately poisoned. Fadil Imran also revealed that the case was a serial killer. "They committed a series of murders or serial killers," said Kapolda (Regional Police Chief) Metro Jaya, Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran at Polda Metro Jaya Headquarters, Thursday, January 19, 2023. Furthermore, Fadil revealed that so far, a total of nine victims were killed by Wowon. Duloh, and Dede. The police said Wowon and Duloh were close friends who were also partners in the murder or partners in crime. Meanwhile, Dede is still a relative of Wowon. According to the police, the modus operandi of the perpetrators in killing their victims was the same. They took the victim home and poisoned him. If still breathing, the victim would be strangled. The victim's body was then buried in the area around the house. Fadil said that this mode was similar to the murder case committed by Ryan Jombang.[2]

The following is a list of victims of the serial killer Wowon cs.:[3]
  1. The first victim: Siti, According to Police information, Wowon cs. is known as a powerful person who has supernatural powers. Wowon is also said to be able to double money. The target of this money doubling scam is female immigrant workers. The first victim was a TKW (immigrant worker) named Siti. He collects his money back after not believing Wowon's supernatural powers. Wowon agreed, but he reasoned that the money could only be taken by Siti in Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat province. Then, Siti was accompanied by Noneng, the in-laws of Wowon's wife named Wiwin, to go to Mataram. However, this was Wowon's plan to kill Siti. Wowon asked Noneng to push Siti into the sea on her way to Mataram. Noneng complied with Wowon's order and pushed Siti into the sea. Siti was swept away and her body which had disappeared was finally found by residents and buried in her hometown in Garut, West Java.
  2. Second victim: Farida, the next victim was another TKW (immigrant worker) named Farida. Like Siti, Farida also asked Wowon to return the money because there was no clarity. Farida was killed and her body was buried in a hole at the perpetrator's house in the Cianjur area, West Java.
  3. Third victim: Noneng (Wowon's mother-in-law), Noneng, who initially killed Siti, was finally killed by Wowon through Duloh's hands. Allegedly, Wowon was afraid that Noneng would report his crime to the authorities, so he decided to kill her. According to the Police, Noneng was escorted by Wowon to Duloh's house and killed there. Noneng was even reported missing to the Cimahi Police.
  4. Fourth victim: Wiwin (Wowon's wife), after Noneng was killed, the next victim was Wiwin, who is Wowon's wife and Noneng's daughter. The murder was carried out in the same way as when Duloh killed Noneng. Even the provisional suspicion stated that the murder was based on Wowon's panic when his crime was discovered. Wiwin's body was then buried in the same place as his mother's body in the Cianjur house area.
  5. Fifth victim: Halimah, it is known that Wowon had six wives, three of whom were victims of his murder. The fifth victim was Halimah, another Wowon's wife who was killed by Duloh. However, when Wowon and Duloh were interrogated by the Police, Wowon said that he did not know Halimah was killed by his own friend. What Wowon knows, Halimah died due to illness based on Duloh's confession. Halimah's body was then returned to her family in her hometown in Cililin, Bandung, West Java. Meanwhile, the police are still investigating Duloh's motive for killing Halimah.
  6. Sixth victim: Bayu (Wowon's Child from Maemunah), after Halimah's death, it is known that Wowon remarried to Maemunah, who is Halimah's daughter. Maemunah herself has two children with Didin, her ex-husband. Maemunah's two children are Ridwan (20) and Riswandi (16). Meanwhile, the children from Wowon's marriage to Maemunah are named Bayu (2) and Neng Ayu (5). The motive is not yet known, Bayu, who was still a toddler, was also killed by Duloh in Cianjur and his body was buried around the house.
  7. Seventh to Ninth victims: Maemunah, Ridwan, and Riswandi, after Bayu's murder, Wowon and Duloh returned to action to kill Maemunah, Ridwan and Riswandi. They were declared dead after drinking coffee containing rat poison and pesticides. The poison content was revealed after the Police examined coffee samples and samples of the victim's stomach contents at the National Police Forensic Laboratory. The Police also found a hole that would be used to bury the victims in a rented house in Bekasi. Luckily, local residents found the victim's body before Wowon and Duloh could bury it. The Police have also processed the crime scene at the Cianjur location on Friday, January 20, 2023. This was done to match the identity of the victim with the skeleton found.

Meanwhile, the Police said that a total of IDR. 1 billion was tricked from the migrant workers. The money was kept in the account belonging to the suspect Dede. However, the ATM card was held by Wowon. It is suspected that the money for these TKW (immigrant worker) has been collected since 2019.[4] It's Creepy-sadistic criminal action. And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Ngeri! Ini Kronologi Lengkap Aksi Pembunuhan Berantai Wowon Cs Hingga Renggut 9 Nyawa",, Noor Atiyan Puji Lestari, Sabtu, 21 Januari 2023, 14:57 WIB, Diakses pada tanggal 10 Juni 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

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