Rabu, 14 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Ryan Jombang


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Rian Bogor", "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia", you may read also "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?" and on this occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Ryan Jombang'. Still in the serial killer article, on this occasion we will discuss the Ryan Jombang case. It should be noted, Ryan Jombang is different from Rian Bogor which was discussed in the previous article.

The public still remembers the serial murder case that was carried out by Very Idham Henyansyah or better known as Ryan Jombang. Ryan Jombang was recorded as having killed 11 people in Jakarta and Jombang, his hometown between 2006 and 2008. Most of the killings committed by Ryan were carried out for economic reasons.[1]

Early Cases Revealed

The Ryan's case revealed began with the discovery of a body near the Ragunan Zoo, South Jakarta on July 12 2008. It is known that the corpse belongs to Heri Santoso (40), a manager at a private company in Jakarta. The murder was motivated by jealousy when Heri was attracted to Noval, Ryan's boyfriend and teased him so that he would agree if his lover slept with him. Heri was killed in Ryan's apartment. Then the man from Jombang used Heri's ATM for a spree. His face was caught on camera when he took Heri's ATM money.[2]

After the case emerged, reports appeared of residents who had lost family members close to Ryan. He also admitted to having killed 10 people in Jombang. Police then found four skeletons in a former fish pond behind Ryan's parents' house in Jombang. While the other six victims were planted in the backyard.[3]

During Junior High School, Ryan Was Going to Kill His Mother

While still in Grade III, Junior High School Tembelang, Jombang, around 1995, Ryan was about to kill his mother, Kasiatun. At that time Kasiatun had just brought Ryan home from Gatoel Hospital, Mojokerto. Ryan, who was under severe stress, underwent treatment for 2 weeks at the hospital. This was disclosed by Kasiatun during an examination at the Jombang Police on Sunday (27/7/2008). "I regret and apologize to the victim's family and the community," he said.[4]

Kasitun came to the Police Headquarters with her husband, Akhmad (62), and Mulyo Wasis (42), Ryan's brother from another father. Kasitun admitted that she and her husband did not know about the murder that took place in their house. "If I had known, of course I would not have dared to enter the house," he said. She suspected that if it was true that Ryan often brought guests to the house, it must have been done when he and his husband were away. "Usually on Sundays my husband and I go to Sidoarjo," he said. Regarding Ryan's sexual orientation, Kasiatun said that Ryan started to change in the 1990s when he was in grade III of Junior High School.[5]

Ryan's story was brought up in a documentary film on October 17, 2010 on a television network owned by Astro All Asia Networks, Crime & Investigation Network. The documentary is titled Ryan: The Smiling Serial Killer. The documentary contains interviews with Ryan and is said to be exclusive by the television network about his personal life and crimes.[6]

Victim List & Case Handling

From the mutilation case of victim Heri, the Police revealed that there were 10 other bodies of Ryan's murder that he planted behind his house in Jombang, East Java. Ryan killed 11 people in total. The victims planted behind Ryan's house were:[7]
  1. Grady;
  2. Vincentius Yudhy Priyono alias Vincent (30);
  3. Grendy;
  4. Guruh Setyo Pramono alias Guntur;
  5. Agustinus F Setiawan alias Wawan (28);
  6. Nanik Hidayati (31);
  7. Sylvia Ramadani Putri (daughter of Nanik Hidayati,  3 years old.);
  8. Aril Somba Sitanggang (34);
  9. Muhammad Akhsoni alias Soni (29);
  10. Zaenal Abidin alias Zeki (21);
  11. Heri Santoso.

The perpetrator of the serial killer Ryan Jombang was trialed at the Depok District Court, West Java,  with the death penalty on April 6, 2009. Ryan had submitted an Appeal and Cassation, but the panel of judges insisted that Ryan should be punished with death penalty. Then Ryan used an extraordinary PK (Judicial Review) remedy and was still rejected according to the case number: 25 PK/PID/2012 which was decided on July 5 2012.[8]

Head of Public Relations and Publications Division of the Directorate General of PAS (Correctional) Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Rika Aprianti, raised her voice regarding the execution of Ryan Jombang which was still not carried out. Rika said that executing Ryan was the authority of the Attorney General's Office. Rika said Ryan still had the right to apply for clemency to President Joko Widodo.[9] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Kilas Balik Kasus Ryan Jombang, Pembunuhan Berantai dengan 11 Korban", regional.kompas.com., Diakses pada tanggal 13 Juni 2023, Link: https://regional.kompas.com/read/2021/06/05/103000178/kilas-balik-kasus-ryan-jombang-pembunuhan-berantai-dengan-11-korban?page=all
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. "Siapa Itu Ryan Jombang? Ini Jejaknya di Pembunuhan Berantai", detik.com, Jumat, 20 Agu 2021 13:45 WIB, Diakses pada tanggal 13 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-5689522/siapa-itu-ryan-jombang-ini-jejaknya-di-pembunuhan-berantai
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.

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