Jumat, 16 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun Usep


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Babe Baekuni", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun Usep'. The case of the shaman Usep occurred in Lebak Regency, Banten province.

Money Multiplier Shaman Mode

Usep becomes a money multiplier fake shaman (dukun). Tempted by his patients' money, Usep killed eight people. For the victim's family, especially the people of Banten, Usep's actions cannot be forgiven. All of this was because of his actions that had the heart to kill eight residents of Lebak and Tangerang just for money. The eight people he killed were Oon, Salikun, Imik Zamzani, Yudi and Umron on May 17 2007. The five died after drinking rat poison and were buried in a hole in the forest of Kampung Cipajar, Cileles. The next three victims were Tangerang residents, namely Anto, Samali and Nasrun. They also died after drinking poison and were buried in the forest of Kampung Ciburuy, Cileles, on 19 July 2007.[1]

Usep's behavior became known by the Police after the Lebak Police received a report from a woman who was none other than the wife of the victim Anto, Dewi (30), Monday, July 23 2007. Dewi, who was accompanied by her child, came to complain about her husband's fate, who had not been home for three days. Anto went with two of his friends, Samali and Nasrun, since July 20 2007. Dewi told the Police that Anto went to see a shaman who could multiply money in Cikareo Village, Cileles. At that time, Anto was said to be of doubling IDR. 200 million to IDR. 2 billion by Shaman Usep. And his business had been carried out in several stages, until all of his possessions were sold out.[2]

That same day, the Lebak Police team visited the residence as well as the place for Usep's shamanistic practices. At that time, the Police immediately arrested Usep who was receiving patients. The Police suspected that Usep was carrying out a shamanic practice of duplicating money magically. On the same day, the police also arrested Oyon, a friend of Usep at the Pasar Saketi motorcycle rent base, Pandeglang. In the investigation room, Usep and Oyon are interrogated in a marathon manner. The Police suspect that these two people really know the whereabouts of Anto, Samali and Nasrun who were reported missing. Through special interrogation techniques, Police investigators finally found a correlation between witness statements and the two's confessions that Anto, Samali and Nasrun had disappeared and had been killed.[3]

Usep is actually not a smart or powerful person. Usep only pretends to be a shaman who can multiply money. He works with Oyon, whose role is to search for patients. Both received patients from Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi. All of them are usually asked for a dowry as a condition of their ritual. The same thing was done to Anto, Samali and Nasrun. The initial motive, Usep and Oyon to cheat about doubling money, but ends up with murder action. Their lives were annihilated, IDR. 36 million in cash, their wallets and cell phones were both confiscated.[4]

That same evening, Usep and Oyon were taken away by the Police to go to a forest in the Ciburuy Village area, Cikareo Village, Cileles. They were asked by the Police to show them burying the three. After finding the grave, Usep and Oyon were asked to dig it. Not long after, the bodies of the three victims were found in the same hole. Average, their bodies have started to rot. From the confessions of the two suspects, the Police finally got new facts. It turned out that Usep and Oyon had previously done the same thing to Oon, Salikun, Imik Zamzani, Yudi, and Umron on May 17 2007. The next day, Tuesday morning, July 24 2007, Usep and Oyon were again asked to show the locations of the five victims' graves. As it turned out, the location of the first murder was about 1.5 kilometers away. The five victims were buried in a hole measuring 2 x 2 meters in the middle of the forest in Cipajar Village, Cikareo Village, Cileles. It was Usep and Oyon who searched for and dug up the grave, witnessed by a number of Police. The Police were shocked by what they found. The bodies of the five victims found were almost unrecognizable.[5]

It was Oyon who introduced Anto, Samali and Nasrun to Usep. Before being killed, each of them handed over IDR. 14 million to Usep. The three of them were also asked by Usep to dig a 2 x 2 meter deep hole in the ground. The reason is that the hole is a magical gateway to attract money. They all just believe. After the hole had been dug, Usep asked his three patients to drink the concoction that looked black in color. It turned out that the water contained potash, aka "rat poison". Of course, after they got tired of digging holes, after drinking the liquid Abah Usep's concoction, as Usep called them, they immediately swayed and fainted. It was then that Usep and Oyon even reached into all the pockets of their pants and shirts when they found the victim. They took their wallets, cell phones and the rest of the money. After that, they dragged the bodies of their three patients and dumped them in a hole they had dug themselves. The next day Usep and Oyon continued to commit fraud against other people until they were finally arrested.[6]

The Usep Shaman Has Been Executed

Usep was sentenced to death by the Rangkasbitung District Court on March 10, 2008 because he was found guilty of premeditated murder of eight people who wanted to double their money through an invisible bank.[7] Usep refused to take legal action on appeal and cassation, he didn't even ask for clemency from the President for his crimes.

Tubagus Yusuf Maulana or better known as Dukun Usep, a death convict in a premeditated murder case, was finally executed by a firing squad from the Mobile Brigade (Brimob), Friday (18/7/2008) at around 22.30 WIB.[8]

The execution was carried out in a forest in the Cimarga area, Lebak Regency, Banten. According to Banten High Prosecutor's Office Chief Lari Gau Samad, Usep died 10 minutes after being shot with three bullets in his body. After being declared dead, Usep's body was autopsied at the Cimarga Health Center, then taken to his family's house in Cikareo, Cileles District, Lebak, Banten, for burial.[9] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Dukun Usep, Bank Gaib, dan Hilangnya Delapan Nyawa", detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 16 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/x/detail/crimestory/20220324/Dukun-Usep,-Bank-Gaib,-dan-Hilangnya-Delapan-Nyawa/
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. "Dukun Usep Telah Dieksekusi", kompas.com., Diakses pada tanggal 16 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.kompas.com/read/2008/07/19/00363446/dukun.usep.telah.dieksekusi
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.

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