Senin, 19 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun AS


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Rio Martil", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this last occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun AS'.

Profile of Ahmad Suradji

Ahmad Suradji, popularly known as Dukun AS (Shaman AS), also known as Nasib Kelewang, 'Datuk'; (January 10 1949 – July 10 2008) was the perpetrator of the murder of 42 women whose bodies were buried in a sugar cane plantation in Sei Semayang Village, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra from 1986 to 1997.[1]

Ahmad Suradji was born January 10, 1949, his real name is 'Nasib' (Fate). Because he often uses a kelewang when he steals oxen in the Stabat area, his friends call him "Fate of the Kelewang".[4] He took the name "Ahmad Suradji" after he got out of prison because he stumbled on a case of ox theft, while his friends gave him the name 'Datuk' because he married three siblings and lived in the same house. Suradji works as a farmer everyday. He only graduated from elementary school and has three wives and nine children.[2]

Motives and Patterns of Murder

From the results of Police investigations, all the victims were patients who came to Suradji's house in Aman Damai Village. All of these women wanted to get compassionate knowledge from Suradji. He asks each of his clients who come to bring telon flowers, white incense, arabic incense (buhur), and a pair of kaffir limes. Another requirement, must be willing to be bound and buried half the body in a quiet place at night. Another condition, the patient may not tell the ritual to other people. Suradji's first victim was a woman named Tukiyem alias Iyem. The victim came to Suradji's house in December 1986 at 18.00 WIB.[3]

Iyem wants to get success in life from Suradji. After Iyem made her point, the shaman took her to the Sei Semayang sugarcane plantation area, which is about 1 kilometer from her house. When he left, Suradji brought a hoe, rope and sack. While Iyem followed behind. Their steps stopped after finding a suitable location for the compassion ritual. Suradji asked Iyem to hold a flashlight to illuminate the ground he was about to dig. Suradji dug a hole 1 meter deep. The hole is about 1 meter long and 70 cm wide. Because he used to dig, it didn't take long for Suradji to make a hole that size.[4]

Suradji then asked Iyem to enter the hole. Iyem's hands and feet were bound by rope while standing. After that, Suradji climbed up, then filled the hole again with soil. Iyem's body was buried from her feet to her chest. A moment later, Suradji squatted in front of Iyem. Suradji leaned Tukiyem's head on the thigh of his leg. Suddenly, Suradji's left hand covered the woman's mouth and nose. While his right hand strangled Iyem's neck. Practically, the victim could not rebel because almost all of his body was buried in the ground. In a matter of minutes, Iyem's life was gone, he died instantly on the spot.[5]

Suradji performs another ritual with the saliva of the victim who can't move anymore. After that, the victim's body was raised again. He untied the ropes on Iyem's legs and arms, took off all her clothes until they were naked. Then Suradji reburied his victim in that place too. The next morning, Suradji is active as usual, farming. As if nothing had happened. He hangs out as usual with his neighbours.[6]

Suradji used the same motive and pattern of killing for the next victims. Suradji's second victim was named Yusniar alias Niar, who was killed around March 1987. The third victim was a woman named Tomblok around 1988. Then the other victims included Rusmina alias Popi (August 1989), Diduk and Rusmiani alias Anis victims (June 1992), Sulianti alias Yanti (June 1992), Irdayanti (October 28, 1992), Sadiem (December 17, 1992), and Kunyil (January 1993). In all it is known that there were 42 women who had been viciously killed by Suradji.[7]

Uncovered Case

Suradji's last victim was named Sri Kemala Dewi, who was killed on April 23 1997. It was from this case that his savagery was exposed. Four days after the murder, the residents of Aman Damai Village were shocked when a young man found a naked body in a sugarcane field. They were surprised to find that the corpse was Dewi, who had reportedly disappeared three days earlier. The Sunggal Police also sent a team to investigate. At first the Police suspected Tumin, Dewi's ex-husband, because the two of them often fought. But the Police don't have enough evidence. On one occasion, the Police got a new glimmer of a lead. A resident named Andreas admitted that he had taken Dewi to Suradji's house to consult before it was reported that she was missing.[8]

The Police then went to Suradji's house. The man admitted that Dewi had indeed come to his house. However, after sunset, Dewi returned to her own house. Due to insufficient evidence, the Police stopped the investigation. Police are investigating a number of missing person reports in recent years. Apparently, of the many people who were reported missing, there was one common thread. Most of them are Suradji's patients. The Police then searched Suradji's house. There were found a number of women's clothes and jewelry, one of which belonged to Dewi. Suradji and his three wives were also arrested, namely Tumini, Tuminah and Ngatiyah.[9]

After a long interrogation process, Suradji finally confessed. He admits to killing Dewi. The police didn't stop there. Suradji is kept under pressure. From initially only admitting to killing Dewi, Suradji finally confessed to having killed 16 women. Until then he confessed again to have killed 42 women. It made the Police flabbergasted. This act was done under the pretext of gaining supernatural powers. This serial killing was carried out from 1986 to 1997. In fact, Suradji admitted that he received a supernatural whisper to kill 72 women.[10]

Death Penalty and Execution

Suradji was trialed at the Lubuk Pakam District Court, North Sumatra, on December 22, 1997. The public flocked to watch the proceedings. The trial was tough and carried out a marathon. The judge chaired by Haogoaro Harefa handed down a decision on April 27 1998 and sentenced Suradji to death. The judge's decision at the appellate and cassation levels did not change the shaman Suradji's death sentence.[11]

On July 10, 2008, about 15 years ago, three bullets from the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) of the North Sumatra Police penetrated his chest. The US shaman died on the spot. At the request of the family, his body was immediately buried the next day.[12] 

Even though they had been executed, the rejection of the Shaman AS was still strong. Residents of Sei Semayang Village, where the Shaman AS lives, do not accept that the Shaman AS is buried in their village. One of them was stated by Ana, the mother of Suradji's victim named Dewi. Ana emphasized that her family would not be willing to see the AS Shaman's grave next to her daughter's grave. “If it must be buried in the village, don't bury it in the TPU (Public Cemetary). Just bury it in front of his house, not in a public cemetery," he said. “Too much suffering for us due to the actions of the Shaman AS. We do not accept that he is buried in this village.” AS shamans once said, “Dark magic comes from God. I don't have it anymore, I have repented. I hope I have a chance to live.” However, the bullet overboard penetrated his body.[13] Sadistic. And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Dukun AS",, Diakses pada tanggal 19 Juni 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. "Kisah Pembunuh Berantai Dukun Suradji",, Diakses pada tanggal 19 Juni 2023, Link:
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. "Sejarah Kekejian Dukun AS Membantai 42 Perempuan Demi Kesaktian",, Diakses pada tanggal 19 Juni 2023, Link:

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