Jumat, 07 Juli 2023

The Unresolved Mystery of the Murder of Mother and a Teenage Girl in Subang Regency


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Australian Citizen Pardoned After 20 Years in Prison for Death of 4 Children", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'The Unresolved Mystery of the Murder of Mother and a Teenage Girl in Subang Regency'.

The investigation into the murder of mother and child in Subang has yet to be revealed. Investigators from the West Java Regional Police have yet to announce who the suspects and masterminds are in the case of the murder of the mother and child in Subang.[1]

This certainly makes people curious, why is it so difficult to uncover the perpetrators. What is the chronology of the case in Subang? The chronology is centered on August 17 and 18, 2021. The following description may be able to answer it.[2]

Case Chronology

August 17, 2021:

At 11.00 WIB: Witness Danu went to the TKP (Crime scene) and was told by Yoris to ask Amel for money to buy isolate.

13.00 : Danu is at Yoris's house washing his motorbike and sees Mrs. Tuti and Amel coming to Yoris' house in a Yaris car, for a passing event at Yoris' house.

16.00 : Danu saw Ibu Tuti and Amel leave Yoris' house, and after the event Danu returned home and did not leave the house again.

20.00 : Mr. Yosef has the initials Mr. D and sees the two deceased on the terrace of the TKP (Crime scene) in Ciseuti.

21.00 : Mr. Yosef returns to Mrs. Mimin Mintarsih's house at Cijengkol and cooks fried rice and then goes to sleep.

23.00: Amel's boyfriend named Dicky sends a message via WhatsApp asking what are you doing? Amel's answer was playing a game.

23.40 : Witness Wildan saw 5 people at the TKP (Crime scene), namely 3 women and 2 men, and the position of the Alphard car was on an incline with its head facing the garage.

More than 24.00: Witness Webi saw a white Avanza-like car near the Alfamart near the TKP (Crime scene) but saw no one around it.

August 18, 2022:

05.00 to 5.30: The granddaughter selling surabi near the crime scene saw a crowd and didn't think anything had happened, so she entered the house again.

50.30-6.00 : Mrs. Caryati, a surabi handyman near Ibu Mimin's house, served Mr. Yosef, who was buying surabi accompanied by witnesses from residents who were queuing to buy surabi.

06.00 : Mr. A saw Alphard's car enter the side yard of the TKP (Crime scene) where there was grass but failed to get up.

06.30: Witness K went to school at the Foundation to borrow the keys from the school guard because she had an appointment with Mr. Wahyu, the school principal.

06.14 : Ilham saw someone at the crime scene near Alphard's car. At that time, Ilham was riding his sister's back to school in Cisalak.

06.40-6.57 : After dropping his sister off at school, Ilham returns past the crime scene and still sees the same person near the Jambe tree.

06.50 : CCTV saw a person who looked like Mr. Yosef, wearing a red jacket and red hat passing by.

07.15 : Yosef arrives at the TKP (Crime scene).

07.24 : Mr. Yosef tries to call Amel's cellphone but there is no answer.

07.26: Mr. Yosef calls Yoris and his wife Yoris to inform him of the disheveled condition of the TKP (Crime scene) house.

07.25-7.30 : Mr. Ujang leaves the house at 7.00 to the aqua post and walks to work near the TKP (Crime scene) at 7.10. Yosef visited Pak Ujang while sharpening the machete and told him the condition of the crime scene and asked for help to see the messy condition of the house. Mr. Ujang shouted to Mr. Yosef that he would report to the RT (Neighborhood Association) after he saw blood spilled at the back door.

07.10-7.15 : Witness Mr. N saw witness Mr. Ujang and said hello.

07.30: Mr. Yosef went to the Jalancagak Polsek (Sector Police) and stopped by Danu's house and told him about the messy house at the TKP (Crime scene), and at that time Danu was sleeping and was woken up and then headed for the TKP (Crime scene).

07.30 a.m.: In Danu's interview with a Youtuber near the TKP (Crime scene) and at that time Mr. Wahyu was next to him.

07.30 a.m.: The RT (Neighborhood Association) was informed by Mr. Ujang and immediately went to the TKP (Crime scene) by the side of the house and saw scattered blood and puddles of water under Alphard. Then got info from a resident named D and saw that there were feet inside Alphard. Then Mr. RT (Neighborhood Association) instructed residents to stay away from the Alphard car.

07.30-7.40 : Witness Mr. W saw Pak Yosef calling someone near the school while getting angry.

07.38: Amel's cellphone was detected as active around the T-junction and in the direction of the Polsek (Sector Police) because there was a notification from the online shop.

07.50-8.00 : Police arrive at the crime scene and set up a police line.

Case Investigation and Release of Perpetrator Sketches

The Police then carried out all the necessary stages of the investigation, from processing the crime scene, collecting evidence to examining the necessary witnesses. In fact, autopsies have been carried out twice to trace DNA traces. This case has been taken over by the West Java Regional Police, previously handled by the Subang Police.

Although this case has not been revealed who the perpetrators are, the Police have brought quite encouraging news, namely by releasing a sketch of the perpetrator of the murder. The Police have now distributed the sketch of the face to the public. "Now there are indeed facial sketches that investigators already know. For this reason, we hope that the case can immediately arrest and process the perpetrators. The sketches are clear and we have distributed them to the public," said West Java Regional Police Public Relations Head Kombes (Chief Commissioner) Ibrahim Tompo to reporters, Monday (10 /1/2022). Here is the killer sketch of the case:[3]


Recent Developments

The West Java Regional Police confirmed that the disclosure of the mother and child murder case that occurred in Ciseuti Village, Jalancagak Village/District, Subang Regency, continues to this day.[4]

Head of Division Public relations West Java Police Area Kombes (Chief Commissioner) Police Ibrahim Tompo said, in the long journey of the murder case which has been going on for almost two years, his party has examined hundreds of pieces of evidence and hundreds of witnesses. "We have examined hundreds of evidences that have been examined, then also hundreds of witnesses that we have examined. In fact, for development we need steps that we can be legally responsible for. So that we cannot arbitrarily designate people as suspects. Progress is still ongoing. keep going," said Ibrahim at the Subang Police Headquarters, Tuesday (4/7/2023).[5] The latest news from this case is that the investigation process is still ongoing. And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "KASUS SUBANG, INI KRONOLOGI Pembunuhan Ibu dan Anak dari Awal hingga Penemuan Korban di Mobil Alphard", priangantimurnews.pikiran-rakyat.com., Muh Romli, 24 Februari 2022, Diakses pada tanggal 6 Juli 2023, Link: https://priangantimurnews.pikiran-rakyat.com/jawa-barat/pr-1223821898/kasus-subang-ini-kronologi-pembunuhan-ibu-dan-anak-dari-awal-hingga-penemuan-korban-di-mobil-alphard
2. Ibid.
3. "Polisi Sebar Sketsa Wajah Pria Sadis Pembunuh Ibu Anak Subang", www.detik.com, Diakses pada tanggal 6 Juli 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/berita-jawa-barat/d-5891083/polisi-sebar-sketsa-wajah-pria-sadis-pembunuh-ibu-anak-subang
4. "Kabar Terbaru dari Penyelidikan Kasus Pembunuhan Ibu-Anak Subang", www.detik.com., Dwiky Maulana Vellayati-detikJabar, Selasa, 04 Jul 2023, Diakses pada tanggal 6 Juli 2023, Link: https://www.detik.com/jabar/hukum-dan-kriminal/d-6805862/kabar-terbaru-dari-penyelidikan-kasus-pembunuhan-ibu-anak-subang
5. Ibid.

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