Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2024

What is an Electronic Land Certificate?


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "How to Check Land Certificates Validity in Indonesia By Online", "This Is What Will Happen If Your Land Use Rights Expire", you may read also "Now, Foreign Citizens Can Buy Property in Indonesia With Just a Passport" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'What is an Electronic Land Certificate?'.

What is an Electronic Certificate?

Electronic certificates are land certificates in digital form as part of the ATR/BPN Ministry's innovation in services related to certificates.[1] The definition of an electronic certificate is any form of thing that contains and is contained in an electronic certificate and is reinforced by a signature in electronic form, especially showing data and identity as well as legal subject status for the parties thereto, which in this case is held by the party authorized to carry out the implementation, namely parties or legal entities who are experts in validating and auditing electronic certificate data.[2]

Legal Basis for Electronic Land Certificates

The legal basis for electronic certificates, in particular, is Law No. 11 of 2021 concerning Electronic Transaction Information (ITE). Another legal basis is the Minister of Land Regulation concerning "Certificates", namely ATR/BPN Ministerial Regulation No. 1 of 2021 concerning Land Registration.[3]

Purposes of Making an Electronic Land Certificate

The implementation of electronic land certificates is carried out in stages, from assets of State-Owned Bodies, Regional-Owned Bodies, State-Owned Enterprises, legal entities, houses of worship, 12 to 13 complete districts/cities, then throughout Indonesia. The purpose of an electronic land certificate is that it is important for the public to have it due to the following things:[4]
  1. Reduces the Risk of Loss and Damage. The main purpose of using electronic land certificates is to reduce risks that may arise due to loss, theft, or damage that can be caused by disasters, fires, and other threats. By using electronic format, the security and integrity of information related to land ownership can be more effectively maintained.
  2. Easy to manage data. The implementation of electronic land certificates also aims to facilitate data management. With electronic processing, land-related data can be processed more efficiently, save costs, and increase the level of data confidentiality and security. In this way, the accuracy and availability of land ownership information can be better maintained.

And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan tentang Sertipikat Elektronik",, Diakses pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2024, Link:
2. "Sertifikat Tanah Elektronik adalah: Definisi, Keunggulan dan Cara Buat",, 25 March 2024, Admin BFI, Diakses pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2024, Link:
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

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