Selasa, 18 Februari 2025

Electronic BPKB (Motor Vehicle Owner's Book) Has Been Launched in Indonesia

(Dok. Korlantas Polri)

Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Scammed by a Itinerant Street Vendor", "Deceived by Buying Durian Online", you may read also "Case of Ordering 100 Kg Durian" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Electronic BPKB (Motor Vehicle Owner's Book) Has Been Launched in Indonesia'.

BPKB (Motor Vehicle Owner's Book) will be more sophisticated because it is electronic. The shape has also changed, if it was originally a book with a fairly wide size, it is now smaller. If we pay attention, its current shape resembles a passport. Its sophistication is also similar to an electronic passport, namely it is equipped with a chip to store vehicle data. "In the past, the BPKB had paper that was quite wide. Later, it was small like a passport. There was a chip that contained complete vehicle data. If it was lost, we could access it easily so it could be printed again," explained Head of the BPKB Sub-Directorate, Directorate of Police Traffic Corps, Commissioner Pol. Sumardji.[1]

Even though the form and technology involved are more sophisticated, there has been no change regarding costs. For information, the cost of issuing a new BPKB still refers to Government Regulation (PP) no. 76 of 2020 concerning Types and Rates of PNBP Applicable to the National Police. It says that the cost of issuing a BPKB or changing ownership will be IDR 225 thousand for a two-wheeled or three-wheeled motorized vehicle. Meanwhile, for four-wheeled vehicles, the cost of issuing a new one and changing ownership is IDR 375 thousand. "There has been no change in costs," said Sumardji.[2]

The existence of electronic BPKB will make things easier for vehicle owners. The electronic BPKB contains the complete identity of the vehicle owner. Implementing electronic BPKB will also make the vehicle mutation process faster. It is even claimed that the process takes no more than one day. As is known, the process of mutation or duplication of lost BPKB must take months. The electronic BPKB is integrated with several things such as vehicle history, vehicle data, and can be connected to NFC on a smartphone. However, please note that this electronic BPKB will only come into effect in March 2025, specifically for new cars. Meanwhile, it is not yet known when exactly two-wheeled vehicles will be implemented because it adjusts to the existing budget.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "BPKB Jadi Elektronik: Tak Lagi Pakai Kertas Lebar, Mirip Paspor",, Dina Rayanti, 12 Feb 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 18 Februari 2025, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

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