Team of Hukumindo
Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "The Case of the Image of Lord Shiva Being the Background of a Nightclub in Bali", "21 Illegal Immigrants from Bangladesh Arrested by Immigration Officers in Garut Regency", you may read also "Man Causing Trouble at Airport Ends Up in Jail" and on this occasion we will discuss about '20 Years After Eviction, Karawang Resident Still Pays Property Tax'.
It has been 20 years since Henny's house and land in Karawang, West Java, were evicted to make way for the construction of a road to the Batujaya bridge. However, to this day, she is still receiving bills and paying property tax (PBB) on the land she no longer occupies. Henny claims that her house and land in Krajan Hamlet, Batujaya Village, were evicted in 2005. She was forced to give up 426 square meters of land for the construction of the Karawang-Bekasi connecting road, despite rejecting the compensation offered by the government.[1]
"I also still pay property tax, the last time in 2024 I also got SPPT (Tax Payable Notification Letter) and I just paid it," said Henny. When she was evicted in 2005, Henny said her land was only valued at IDR 80 thousand per meter. That amount was far from her initial request of IDR 230 thousand per meter. In fact, the payment was made in installments. "On top of that, the payment was also paid in installments by the government. Well, I got evicted and ended up in a mess," she said. Henny also admitted that she had been forced to sign blank receipts three times, without knowing that it meant she had agreed to the payment. "I didn't know, I was a layman. Well, what was it like at that time, signing on the blank form. Well, I just accepted it, if it wasn't accepted my house would be evicted too, it would be leveled with a excavator," she said. "Every night I cried. Many said that I got evicted and ended up in a mess. I've been holding back the pain for 20 years," she said.[2]
Now Henny works as a nanny in Bekasi, while her children live in another house that she slowly built with the help of relatives. She hopes that the Regent of Karawang and the Governor of West Java can pay attention to this case. She is asking for justice and payment of the remaining compensation that is appropriate. This case has entered the court realm, but only as a criminal case against the related official, not a civil case regarding the right to compensation. "I used to be a witness in court, but when the criminal case was the same official, he was caught up in the law. Well, I'm a layman and I don't understand, he said why not try to enter a civil case like that," said Henny.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you.
*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com
1. "20 Tahun Rumahnya di Karawang Sudah jadi Jalan, Henny Masih Bayar Pajak", www.kompas.com., Farida Farhan, Ihsanuddin, 22/03/2025, Diakses pada tanggal 26 Maret 2025, Link: https://regional.kompas.com/read/2025/03/22/145823078/20-tahun-rumahnya-di-karawang-sudah-jadi-jalan-henny-masih-bayar-pajak?source=headline
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.