"Gunung teu benang di lebur Lebak teu benang dirakrak Lojor teu benang dipotong Pondok teu benang disambung (mountains cannot be destroyed, valleys must not be destroyed, long must not be cut, short must not be continued)."
For the Baduy customary law community, the wiwitan mandate has a very deep philosophy of maintaining a balance between humans and humans, humans with nature and humans with their God through mutual interaction, compassion and foster care. Conformity between an act with customs and customary law is a necessity because it is passed down from generation to generation since human life has become a benchmark, guidelines, rules, norms of life, customary law and is the basis of religious expectations.
The increase in crime and the number of fostered citizens in a country indicates that there are serious problems in resolving law enforcement. Law enforcement carried out on positive law prioritizes misery while in the customary law community especially the Baduy community criminal law is not intended to provide misery or suffering but instead provides an improvement to behavior.
Formulation of The Problem: What is the meaning of criminal sanctions on the Baduy customary community?
Research Methods: This research is a legal research using the socio-legal antro approach. The data used are primary data and secondary data analyzed using qualitative analysis.
According to Dyah Irawati and Hinijati, the presence of law had never thought about whether to consider whether or not it would be recognized by state power, but instead it had emerged genuinely from within the unitary community of customary peoples long before the birth of the state. This indicates the real authenticity of customary law, because customary law arises from the content of the community itself.
autonomously and it is called authentic. The pattern of interaction is a source of community knowledge which then gives birth to the values of wisdom that underlie the patterns of behavior that govern the behavior of customary peoples in a group so that the code of conduct is held, respected and has the power to remember for the community.
Any violation of customary law or customary criminal act will result in damage, not only to the level of the body and lives of people (victims), but also to cause disturbance or shock in the magical realm due to natural imbalances. This has consequences, the resolution of violations of the law is not enough to only be an outward solution but must also include restoring the balance of nature.
In the Baduy customary law community, legal settlement is the most recent effort, so it must be based on the foundation of "justice and silih hampura/forgiveness". This philosophy guarantees a balance in legal settlement on the one hand and creates harmony between peace and tranquility on the other. In relation to justice, the justice referred to by the Baduy traditional law community is to place something in its position, a value which is a balance point between legal certainty and legal usefulness. The solution by forgiving each other aims to maintain and re-realize the balance of the cosmos, restore the existing cosmopolitan and keep the order of human life running well and harmoniously.
The law gets attention and is felt as a sanction for community members depending on the values and behavior that grows from the awareness of the community members concerned. In the law, it is not difficult for us to know, it can be seen in the legislation, on the court, before the judge, in certain institutions, but in customary law it is not easy to know, because what is said customary law is not in the form of systemic regulations and modified.
One of the factors that is driving the obedience and obedience of individuals to the law is none other than the existence of sanctions so it cannot be imagined how the law can be binding without sanctions, whether effective or even vice versa. Criminal law, for example, which has a different legal system compared to other fields of law that bases more sanctions on physical sanctions also raises the pros and cons of criminal sanctions imposed by judges, both among legal practitioners and legal academics themselves, especially among those seeking justice. Every social relationship must not conflict with the provisions in the existing legal regulations and apply in society. Sanctions in the form of (criminal) penalties will be imposed on any violator of existing legal regulations as a reaction to an unlawful act he committed.
Criminal sanctions as stated by Van Bemmelen last cure (utimum remidium). This last cure is the ultimate step if the enforcement mechanism in other fields of law does not work effectively, but in the development of Indonesian criminal law criminal sanctions in some cases shifted their position. No longer as ultimum remidium but as premium remidium (the main cure).
- Criminal death;
- Criminal imprisonment;
- Criminal confinement;
- Criminal fines, and
- Criminal closing
- Revocation of certain rights
- Expropriation of certain items;
- Announcement of the judge's decision
- By investigating abstract norms that can be recorded in the memories of customary leaders, community leaders or authority holders who are authorized to make legal decisions (ideology method)
- By observing every real action / actual behavior of community members in daily life when interacting in their community (descriptive method)
- By reviewing cases of disputes that have occurred or are occurring in the community (trauble cases method).
- Harmony with the community, which is when the criminal period is over, the perpetrators and the family (if they brought) can interact again with other communities as usual, for the Baduy community, a person who has served traditional punishment accompanied by a Ngabokoran or a traditional ceremony then he is considered as a clean person, and Baduy customary people will not give a stamp or sitgma as perpetrators of crime. Ngabokoran is a cleansing ceremony for traditional violations committed by perpetrators, this ceremony is not intended as a torture or suffering but to restore cosmic balance.
- Harmony with the family that each head of the family has rights and obligations to his wife and children. The obligation to maintain safety and comfort, to the child, parents are obliged to give attention and affection to their children, the obligation to the spouse is the obligation to provide for birth, inner and biological needs. This must be applied to avoid sexual irregularities, sexual harassment, same-sex rape and the practice of renting space in prisons by prisoners. That is the philosophy why in customary Baduy people who are exiled are allowed to bring their wife and children.
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