Kamis, 05 Januari 2023

Mengenal R. Soebekti, Ketua Mahkamah Agung RI Periode 1968-1974


Tim Hukumindo

Biografi Singkat

R. Soebekti (lahir di Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, 14 Mei 1914 – meninggal di Bandung, Jawa Barat, 9 Desember 1992 pada umur 78 tahun) adalah Ketua Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia periode 1968 hingga tahun 1974.[1]

Sebelum menjabat sebagai Ketua Mahkamah Agung, ia pernah menjabat Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Semarang (1942), Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Purworejo (1944), Panitera Mahkamah Agung R.I. (1946), Hakim Anggota pada Pengadilan Tinggi Makassar (1952), Ketua Pengadilan Tinggi Jakarta (1955), dan sebagai Hakim Agung pada Mahkamah Agung R.I. (1958).[2]

Selain itu, bersama dengan R. Tjitrosoediro menerjemahkan Burgelijke Wetboek (terkenal dengan singkatan BW) menjadi Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata atau KUH Perdata. Ia juga menerjemahkan KUH Dagang, UU Kepailitan, dan Kamus Hukum.[3] Sepengetahuan penulis, R. Soebekti juga diabadikan menjadi nama ruang sidang di sejumlah Pengadilan Negeri di Jakarta. 

1. "Biografi R. Soebekti", //suduthukum.com., Diakses pada tanggal 23 Desember 2022, Link: https://suduthukum.com/2017/01/biografi-r-soebekti.html
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Rabu, 04 Januari 2023

What is the difference between Cultivation Rights (HGU), Building Use Rights (HGB) and Property Rights (SHM)?


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Mengenal Nehru, Perdana Menteri Pertama India", "How To Buy Land In Indonesia?", "How to Avoid Fraud in Investment by Using Legal Tools" you may read also "Principles of Buying Land in Indonesia", "What Types of Land Ownership May Company Obtain In Indonesia?" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'What is the difference between Cultivation Rights (HGU), Building Use Rights (HGB) and Property Rights (SHM)?'.

Cultivation Rights and Building Use Rights, as well as Ownership Rights, are three types of land ownership status. HGU stands for Cultivation Use Rights, while HGB stands for Building Use Rights. In addition, there is a Freehold Certificate (Property Rights) which is an extension of SHM and proof of ownership of a person or legal entity over a plot of land. In terms of land or land ownership in Indonesia, this is regulated in Article 16 of Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Regulations or the Agrarian Law. To find out more about the differences between HGU, HGB and SHM, this article will discuss: What is HGU? What is HGB? What is SHM? The difference between HGU and HGB, as well as SHM.[1]

What is Cultivation Right?

According to the Basic Agrarian Law Number 5 of 1960, Cultivation Rights (HGU) are rights to cultivate land directly controlled by the state, within a certain period of time. In other words, HGU can be interpreted as a right granted by the government to individuals or legal entities to use a plot of state-owned land, but only for a specified period of time. A person or business entity that has the right to use land with HGU status will later be given a Cultivation Rights Certificate (SHGU), through a Ministerial-level decision. While for the types of business that are allowed generally such as animal husbandry, fishery, ect.[2]

This is because state land that can be granted as HGU land is only that which is included in the category of production land or forest. Or it means that protected forests and land in conservation areas cannot be automatically converted into HGU land. HGU is regulated in a number of regulations, such as Government Regulation (PP) Number 40 of 1996 concerning Business Use Rights, Building Use Rights, and Land Use Rights. And also the revision of the latest regulation PP Number 18 of 2021 concerning Management Rights, Land Rights, Flats Units, and Land Registration.[3]

In article 19 of the PP (Government Regulation), a new rule is added that those who are entitled to obtain HGU permits are only Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and legal entities established according to Indonesian law and domiciled in Indonesia. So, if it turns out that the HGU holder does not fulfill these two conditions, then they are obliged to reinquish their rights to other people within 1 year. In article 22 of PP (Government Regulation) Number 18 of 2021, changes to the rules also occur for the period of time the HGU permits are granted. From what was previously a maximum of 25 years, now it has become a maximum period of 35 years.[4]

After the 35 year period expires, the HGU holder can also extend the permit, for a maximum of 25 years and renew it again for a maximum period of 35 years. Only after the period of granting, extending and renewing ends, will the HGU land return to being fully controlled by the state. Land that is Directly Controlled by the State, the re-arrangement of use, utilization and ownership becomes the authority of the Minister and priority can be given to former right-holders by taking into account matters as stipulated in Article 22 paragraph (3) PP (Government Regulation) No. 18 Year 2021.[5]

HGU land rights can also be taken back by the state even though the grant period has not expired, if one of the criteria is met, including non-fulfillment of the obligations of the HGU holder, voluntary release, abandoned land, or legally deleted in a court decision. Therefore, HGU land holders are required to make full use of the land provided, are required to build and maintain environmental infrastructure and land facilities in the area, maintain soil fertility, prevent damage to natural resources and maintain environmental preservation in accordance with regulations. Apart from of course paying money to use the HGU to the state.[6]

What is a Building Use Right?

Still sourced from the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA) No: 5 of 1960. Precisely in Article 35 Paragraph 1, Building Use Rights (HGB) are defined as the right to construct and own buildings on land that belongs to another person within a certain period of time. This means that the holder of a Building Use Right (SHGB) certificate is only entitled to ownership of the building, not including the land on which the building stands. Just like HGU, besides being regulated by. UUPA, regulations related to HGB are also regulated in a number of derivative regulations such as Government Regulation (PP) Number 40 of 1996 concerning Cultivation Rights, Building Use Rights, and Land Use Rights. And revised by PP (Government Regulation) Number: 18 of 2021 concerning Management Rights, Land Rights, Flats Units, and Land Registration.[7]

The revision of the regulation makes that HGB can only be given to Indonesian Citizens and legal entities established according to Indonesian law and domiciled in Indonesia. The land that can be granted with Building Use Rights includes State Land, Management Right Land, and Property Right Land. Meanwhile, for the HGB period, as stipulated in Article 37 PP (Government Regulation) Number: 18 of 2021, on State Land and Management Right Land, it can be granted for a maximum period of 30 years, and extended for a maximum period of 20 years, and renewed for a period of at most 30 years.[8]

Whereas HGB on Freehold (Property Right) Land (private) can be given for a maximum period of 30 years and can be renewed with a deed of granting Building Utilization Rights over Property Rights. In contrast to HGU land, where the type of business is determined, holders of HGB certificates are relatively free to construct and own buildings for various personal or business purposes, although they still have to be in accordance with the HGB grant agreement at the outset. In addition, the owner can also transfer these rights to other parties, as long as they are within the HGB usage period.[9]

Generally, land with HGB is used by developers to build apartments or housing. This is because there will be several advantages that make HGB attractive for people who want to own a house or apartment, especially because the price is definitely much cheaper than buying a building with a Property Right  Certificate (SHM). Even though they do not have complete freedom over the land where their buildings are located, HGB certificate holders can actually increase their ownership to become SHM. The condition is that the land area must be less than 600 square meters, and must be owned by an Indonesian citizen (WNI). If these two conditions are met, the owner of the HGB certificate can submit an application to the Land Office in the relevant municipality or district. Next, just follow the established procedure.[10]

What Are Property Right?

Certificate of Property Rights (SHM) is a sign of full ownership of a person over land, based on the recognition from the National Land Agency (BPN). In contrast to HGU and HGU, ownership of land with SHM is not limited by time and certain conditions. As stated in Article 20 of the UUPA, land ownership rights are hereditary, strongest and fullest rights that a person can own over land. So that land with SHM can be fully transferred by the owner. Such as for sale, gifted or passed down from generation to generation, so that it can be used as collateral for credit applications.[11]

In addition, the owner of the SHM also has the right to use or take advantage of the land, for example using it as a place to live or even to leave it for a long time as a long-term investment. The strength of SHM is not only in the status of ownership or the duration of land ownership. but also on its advantages in property investment. Because buildings or properties that are sold with SHM, the selling value will be far above the property that is sold only with a Building Use Right Certificate (HGB).[12]

The Difference Between Cultivation Right, Building Use Right and Property Right

Based on the explanation above, it can be seen clearly that the basic difference between Cultivation Rights (HGU), Building Use Rights (HGB), and Property Rights (SHM) lies in the ownership status of the person holding them.[13]

Property Right or SHM can be said to have a stronger and higher value and position in land ownership. Because people who have SHM means they have full power over the land and also the buildings on it. Meanwhile, HGB (Building Use Rights) certificate holders only have power over the building or property, without having any power at all over the land where the building is located. And the lowest is HGU (Cultivation Rights), where the owner of the certificate is only able to use the land, without having any ownership rights to the land and buildings that may exist on the land.[14]

In addition, there are also differences in the term of ownership. When SHM (Property Right) has legal force and is valid forever. Meanwhile, based on PP (Government Regulation) No. 18 of 2021, HGU (Cultivation Rights) permits are only for a maximum of 35 years, can be extended up to 25 and renewed for another 35 years. While HGB (Building Rights) is a maximum of 30 years, and extended for a maximum period of 20 years, and renewed for a maximum period of 30 years for state land, and HGB (Building Rights) on Property Rights Land (private) can be given for a maximum period of 30 years and can be renewed with a deed of granting Building Use Rights over Property Rights.[15]

Due to its permanent ownership, SHM (Property Rights) can be used as a long-term investment and also a credit guarantee at the Bank. Meanwhile, practical HGB (Building Rights) can only be used as a short-term investment, and it actually risks becoming a liability in the future. While HGU (Cultivation Rights) can only be used as production land to be able to generate profit or material profit.[16] And if you have any land ownership issue in Indonesia, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Apa Beda HGU dan HGB, Juga SHM?", //id.berita.yahoo.com., Diakses pada tanggal 3 Januari 2023, Link: https://id.berita.yahoo.com/apa-beda-hgu-dan-hgb-203900746.html
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.

Selasa, 03 Januari 2023

Mengenal Nehru, Perdana Menteri Pertama India


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Customs Foreclosure Fraud 2022 Sets Record, Losses Exceed IDR 8.3 Billion!", "Secuil Kisah Beracara Abraham Lincoln", "Kisah Ketua MA Pertama, Mr. Koesoemah Atmadja" dan "Mr. Iskak Tjokroadisurjo, Membuka Kantor Hukum Pertama di Batavia", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Mengenal Nehru, Perdana Menteri Pertama India'.

Biografi Singkat

Nama Lengkap: Jawaharlal Nehru, Tempat Lahir: Allahabad, India, Tanggal Lahir: Kamis, 14 November 1889, Warga Negara: India, Istri: Kamala Kaul, Indira Gandhi. Jawaharlal Nehru adalah seorang pemimpin nasionalis India dan juga merupakan Perdana Menteri India yang pertama setelah India menyatakan kemerdekaannya pada tahun 1947.[1]

Jawaharlal Nehru lahir di Allahabad. Dia berasal dari keluarga kaya dan terpandang. Ayahnya bernama Motilal Nehru, seorang pemilik perusahaan property dan juga seorang pengacara ternama yang beristrikan Swaruprani Nehru. Nehru menempuh pendidikan dasarnya di Harrow School di Inggris dan melanjutkan pendidikan tingginya di Trinity College, London. Pendidikan hukumnya dia tempuh di Inns of Court School of Law. Selesai mengenyam pendidikan bertahun-tahun di India, Jawaharlal Nehru pun kembali ke kampung halamannya di India pada tahun 1912 untuk menerapkan ilmu hukum yang telah diperolehnya selama bersekolah di Inggris.[2]

Karir Politik

Sejak kembalinya dia ke India, Nehru memutuskan untuk menikahi Kamala Kaul dan setahun setelah pernikahan mereka, lahirlah Indira. Karir hukumnya tidak membuatnya mendapatkan apa yang dia cari sehingga Nehru pun memutuskan untuk bergerak di bidang politik pada 1919 dengan bergabung di Kongres. Karirnya di Kongres menanjak dan akhirnya terpilih sebagai Presiden Kongres pada tahun 1928.[3] Sepertinya karir hukum Nehru tidak begitu sukses, ia lebih sukses sebagai politisi.

Jawaharlal Nehru memegang peran penting pada suksesnya negosiasi kemerdekaan India. Dia adalah penentang Liga Muslim yang berkeras untuk memecah India berdasarkan pada agama. Pada 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru menjadi Perdana Menteri India yang pertama setelah kemerdekaan negara tersebut. Dia mengisi jabatan tersebut hingga kematiannya datang pada tahun 1964. Selain sebagai Perdana Menteri, Nehru juga berperan sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri bagi India dan harus langsung dihadapkan pada permasalahan Kashmir, yang hingga sekarang tidak selesai. Nehru meninggal dunia pada 27 Mei 1964 setelah kesehatannya memburuk karena perang yang dihadapi negaranya ketika bersengketa wilayah dengan China.[4]

1. "Profil Jawaharlal Nehru", m.merdeka.com., Diakses pada tanggal 23 Desember 2022, Link: https://m.merdeka.com/jawaharlal-nehru/profil
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Senin, 02 Januari 2023

Customs Foreclosure Fraud 2022 Sets Record, Losses Exceed IDR 8.3 Billion!


Team Hukumindo

Rising Crime Rate

The number of frauds that 'profiteered' the name of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (Ditjen Customs) of the Ministry of Finance was a record. As of November 2022, the number of frauds has reached nearly 7 thousand cases. In 2022 the number of fraud cases was 6,958, higher than in 2021 which was 2,491 cases, and in 2020 there were 3,284. For this fraud, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise said the total loss reached IDR 8.3 billion.[1] As the link above, this platform has discussed many topic about online fraud in Indonesia. It turns out that the number of crimes of this type in 2022 has increased. Of course it's very unfortunate, and it's good that we are more vigilant about this one crime.

"In 2021 there was a drop, and this year it was a record. We must convey, until November there were almost 7 thousand cases. Maybe now there are 7 thousand. This is a total loss of IDR 8.3 billion," said Head of the Sub-Directorate of Public Relations and Customs Counseling, Hatta Wardhana in a Media Briefing at the Customs and Excise Head Office, Jakarta, Thursday (22/12/2022). Hatta explained, the loss was calculated based on the money that had been transferred by the victim and reported to the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. He also said that the Directorate General of Customs and Excise managed to save IDR 12.6 billion from potential fraud. "Potentials that can be saved, they only told stories but didn't have time to transfer them. Just reported them to us. The potential is 12.6 billion," he said.[2]

Characteristics of Fraud By 'Profiting' from Customs

To prevent fraud, Hatta asked the public not to panic when contacted by fraudsters. According to him, fraudsters use the name of Customs so that the victim is more intimidated and complies with the wishes of the perpetrator. Hatta described the characteristics of fraud in carrying out the action. For example, asking for a levy with unreasonable reasons, such as a higher tax than the goods purchased. Fraudsters also often post uniformed profile photos and use business accounts, up to personal cell phone numbers.[3]

Fraud perpetrators also often threaten victims with threats of imprisonment and fines if the perpetrator does not comply. They also give a short time limit, for example to transfer money, so that the victim doesn't have time to think logically.Then ask for a number of payments to be directed to a personal account. Please note that payment of import duties and import taxes uses a billing code as a payment reference, not a personal account.[4]

People are asked to be more vigilant, especially on weekends and ahead of national holidays. The reason is that fraud is rife at this time because government and banking offices are closed, making it difficult for victims to confirm.[5]

Fraud Mode By 'Profiting' from Customs

Head of the Customs Public Relations and Counseling Sub-Directorate, Hatta Wardhana explained, the fraudulent use of the name of Customs and Excise was carried out through a certain mode. The romance mode is a fraud with an online introduction mode, then the perpetrator makes an intense approach. The perpetrator also promised to send goods or gifts to the victim.[6]

Another mode is the auction fraud mode. The perpetrators pretended to be auctioning goods confiscated by Customs. However, the auction price offered is quite skewed.[7]

Then there is the mode of fraud under the guise of an online shop that targets online consumers, both domestic and foreign buyers. There is also a diplomatic mode, by sending goods via diplomatic mail or passengers.[8]

Then there is the money laundering scam. This fraud mode is carried out by making acquaintances online, then enticing them to come and bring cash, or sending large cash gifts.[9] And if you have any legal issue with this topic, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Penipuan Catut Bea Cukai 2022 Cetak Rekor, Kerugian Tembus Rp 8,3 Miliar!", finance.detik.com., Oleh: Ilyas Fadilah, Diakses pada tanggal 1 Januari 2023, Link: https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-6475740/penipuan-catut-bea-cukai-2022-cetak-rekor-kerugian-tembus-rp-83-miliar
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. "Awas! Penipuan Catut Bea Cukai, Modusnya Lelang Online sampai Kencan Virtual", //finance.detik.com., Oleh: Ilyas Fadilah, Diakses pada tanggal 1 Januari 2023, Link: https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-6475576/awas-penipuan-catut-bea-cukai-modusnya-lelang-online-sampai-kencan-virtual
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2022

Mengenal Kamala Harris, Wakil Presiden AS


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Small Islands of Indonesia Cannot Be Owned, But Can Be Managed by Investors", "Kisah Ketua MA Pertama, Mr. Koesoemah Atmadja", "Mr. Iskak Tjokroadisurjo, Membuka Kantor Hukum Pertama di Batavia" dan "Secuil Kisah Beracara Abraham Lincoln", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Mengenal Kamala Harris, Wakil Presiden AS'.

Biografi Singkat

Kamala Devi Harris (/ˈkɑːmələ/ kah-mə-lə; lahir 20 Oktober 1964) adalah seorang politikus dan pengacara Amerika Serikat yang menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat ke-49. Seorang anggota Partai Demokrat, ia sebelumnya menjabat sebagai senator Amerika Serikat dari California dari 2017 hingga 2021, sebagai Jaksa Agung California ke-32 dari 2011 sampai 2017, dan sebagai Jaksa Distrik San Francisco.[1]

Pada 11 Agustus 2020, Joe Biden memilih Harris sebagai kandidat wakil presiden. Pada 7 November 2020, ia bersama Joe Biden menang dalam pemilihan umum. Harris menjadi keturunan India-Amerika, keturunan Afrika-Amerika, dan perempuan pertama dalam sejarah Amerika Serikat yang menduduki jabatan sebagai wakil presiden.[2]

Harris lahir di Oakland, California. Ia merupakan anak sulung dari dua bersaudara. Ibunya, Shyamala Gopalan, merupakan peneliti kanker dari India, sedangkan ayahnya, Donald Harris, merupakan ekonom asal Jamaika. Keduanya bertemu saat masih menjadi mahasiswa di Universitas California, Berkeley. Selain menjadi peneliti dengan gelar doktor dalam bidang nutrisi dan endokrinologi, Gopalan juga merupakan seorang aktivis hak-hak sipil. Saat pertama kali menginjakkan kaki di Amerika Serikat, Gopalan merasa menemukan keluarga di kalangan warga kulit hitam Bay Area. Aktivisme Gopalan turut membangun kesadaran politis Harris sejak usia muda.[3]

Karir Di Bidang Hukum

Pada 1990, Harris diangkat sebagai wakil jaksa wilayah di Alameda County, California, di mana dia digambarkan sebagai "seorang jaksa penuntut yang cakap dan memiliki masa depan yang baik". Pada 1994, Ketua Majelis California Willie Brown, yang saat itu sedang berkencan dengan Harris, menunjuk Harris sebagai Dewan Banding Asuransi Pengangguran Negara dan kemudian sebagai Komisi Bantuan Medis California. Harris mengambil cuti enam bulan pada 1994 dari tugasnya sebagai jaksa.[4]

Pada Februari 1998, Jaksa Wilayah San Francisco Terence Hallinan merekrut Harris sebagai asisten jaksa wilayah. Di sana, dia menjadi kepala Divisi Kriminal Karier, mengawasi lima pengacara lainnya, di mana dia menuntut kasus pembunuhan, perampokan, perampokan, dan pelecehan seksual - terutama kasus bramacorah. Pada 2000, Harris dilaporkan tidak setuju dengan asisten Hallinan, Darrell Salomon, atas Proposisi 21, yang memberikan jaksa pilihan untuk mengadili terdakwa remaja di Pengadilan Tinggi daripada pengadilan remaja. Harris berkampanye menentang tindakan tersebut. Harris mengajukan keluhan terhadap Salomon dan mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya.[5]

Pada Agustus 2000, Harris mengambil pekerjaan baru di Balai Kota San Francisco, bekerja untuk pengacara kota Louise Renne. Harris menjalankan Divisi Layanan Keluarga dan Anak yang mewakili kasus pelecehan dan penelantaran anak. Runne mendukung Harris selama kampanye untuk menjadi jaksa wilayah.[6] Karir selanjutnya adalah:[7]
  • Jaksa Distrik San Francisco (2004–2011);
  • Jaksa Agung California (2011-2017);
  • Senat Amerika Serikat (2017–2021);
  • Setelah terpilih sebagai Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat, Harris akan mengundurkan diri dari kursinya sebagai Senat sebelum menjabat pada 20 Januari 2021. Ia akan digantikan oleh Sekretaris Negara Bagian California Alex Padilla;
  • Wakil presiden (2021–sekarang).

Setelah terpilihnya Joe Biden sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat pada pemilu 2020, Harris akan menjabat sebagai wakil presiden Amerika Serikat pada 20 Januari 2021. Dia akan menjadi wakil presiden wanita pertama, serta orang kulit berwarna pertama yang memegang jabatan tersebut sejak Charles Curtis, seorang penduduk asli Amerika, yang bertugas di bawah Herbert Hoover dari 1929 hingga 1933. Dia juga akan menjadi orang ketiga dengan keturunan non-Eropa yang diakui untuk mencapai salah satu jabatan tertinggi di cabang eksekutif, setelah Curtis dan mantan Presiden Barack Obama.[8]

Harris mengundurkan diri dari kursi Senatnya pada 18 Januari 2021, dua hari sebelum pelantikannya sebagai Wakil Presiden. Tindakan pertamanya sebagai Wakil Presiden adalah melantik penggantinya, Alex Padilla, dan Senator Georgia Raphael Warnock dan Jon Ossoff yang terpilih dalam pemilihan putaran kedua Georgia 2021.[9] 

1. "Kamala Harris", //id.wikipedia.org., Diakses pada tanggal 23 Desember 2022, Link: https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.

Jumat, 30 Desember 2022

Small Islands of Indonesia Cannot Be Owned, But Can Be Managed by Investors


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Mengenal Amal Clooney, Pengacara Cerdas Pasangan George Clooney", "What Are The Competences of The Religious Courts To Adjudicates In Sharia Economic Cases?", "Understanding 5 Steps Foreign Direct Investment In Indonesia" you may read also "Does Indonesia Implementing Citizenship By Investment?" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Small Islands of Indonesia Cannot Be Owned, But Can Be Managed by Investors'.

Splashy Sales of Small Islands in Indonesia

The news about the plan to sell 100 islands in the Widi Archipelago, North Maluku has been in the spotlight. Reportedly, hundreds of island clusters which are believed to have an area of ​​10 thousand hectares will be offered through an auction system in New York, United States (US).[1]

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, through his spokesman, emphasized that the government already has laws and regulations which state that small islands cannot be fully owned by any party.[2] "Small islands can only be managed by private individuals or certain individuals with certain maximum area limits," said Jodi in an official statement, quoted on Sunday (4/12/2022).[3]

The author thinks this news is just exaggerating, because when investors are interested in a small island in Indonesia, in reality they have to go through the stages of investment law. News like this is presented in an unbalanced way without raising the legal aspects surrounding it. 

Legal Rules Concerning the Management of Small Islands in Indonesia

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment itself has explored the excitement about the plan to sell this island. Jodi explained that so far the Widi Islands have been managed by a private company, PT. Leadership Islands Indonesia (LII). Jodi ensured that LII already had management permits in accordance with the law with the local provincial government. Jodi also explained that the management permit was given a long time ago, but reportedly until now there has been no realization of its construction by PT LII.[4]

On the other hand, Jodi stated that if a small island management permit has been obtained by a company or national legal subject, then the investment cooperation process with foreign parties must also be carried out in accordance with statutory provisions. He emphasized that no party can own islands in Indonesia. However, those who are interested can ask for management permission.[5]

"Parties who are interested in managing, not owning, small island areas must obtain permission from the government. If there is a violation of statutory provisions, then there can be sanctions that can be imposed," said Jodi. In addition, Jodi also emphasized that Indonesia's sovereignty over all islands within the Indonesian archipelagic baselines need not be doubted and has been recognized by the international community.[6] And if you are interested in investing your money by managing small islands in Indonesia, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Heboh 100 Pulau Mau Dijual ke Investor, Luhut Angkat Bicara!", //finance.detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 30 Desember 2022, Link: https://finance.detik.com/properti/d-6441827/heboh-100-pulau-mau-dijual-ke-investor-luhut-angkat-bicara
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.

Kamis, 29 Desember 2022

Mengenal Amal Clooney, Pengacara Cerdas Pasangan George Clooney


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "After 10 Years of Marriage, This Man is Divorced by His Wife Because He is Addicted To Fishing", "Notonagoro, Akademisi Hukum Dan Pelopor Filsafat Pancasila", "Mengenal Tony Blair, Mantan Perdana Menteri Inggris Yang Juga Pengacara" dan "Secuil Kisah Beracara Abraham Lincoln", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Mengenal Amal Clooney, Pengacara Cerdas Pasangan George Clooney'.

Biografi Singkat

Amal Clooney (née Alamuddin; bahasa Arab: أمل علم الدين‎; lahir 3 Februari 1978) adalah seorang barrister Lebanon-Inggris di Doughty Street Chambers, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam bidang hukum internasional dan HAM. Klien-kliennya meliputi Julian Assange, pendiri WikiLeaks, dalam perjuangannya melawan ekstradisi; mantan perdana menteri Ukraina, Yulia Tymoshenko; wartawan Mesir-Kanada Mohamed Fahmy; dan penerima Nobel Nadia Murad. Pada September 2021, Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional (ICC) menunjuk Amal Clooney sebagai Penasihat Khusus untuk konflik Sudan di Darfur.[1]

Sejak masa kuliah, kemampuan Amal di bidang hukum sudah mendapatkan banyak pengakuan. Saat mengambil gelar master di New York University School of Law 2001 lalu, ia menerima penghargaan Jack J. Katz Memorial untuk keunggulannya dalam bidang hukum hiburan. Setelah menyelesaikan kuliah dan bekerja di berbagai kantor pengacara di New York, Amal kembali ke Inggris pada 2010. Saat itu kelahiran Lebanon tersebut menerima pekerjaan sebagai pengacara di Doughty Street Chambers, Inggris.[2]

Karir Sebagai Pengacara

Pada 2013, Amal telah ditunjuk oleh sejumlah komisi PBB termasuk sebagai penasihat Kofi Annan untuk Suriah dan sebagai penasihat bagi Ben Emmerson QC, rapporteur untuk HAM PBB. Agustus 2014, Amal dipilih menjadi salah satu dari tiga anggota komisi PBB untuk menyelidiki adanya pelanggaran peraturan perang di Gaza selama konflik Israel-Gaza. Namun kala itu ia harus menolak permintaan tersebut.[3]

"Ada berbagai laporan yang diterbitkan hari ini menyatakan bahwa saya telah ditunjuk sebagai salah satu dari tiga anggota Komisi Penyelidikan PBB untuk Gaza. Saya merasa situasi di Jalur Gaza sangat mengerikan, terutama para korban sipil, dan saya percaya bahwa harus ada penyelidikan independen dan pertanggungjawaban atas kejahatan yang telah dilakukan," ungkapnya kala itu. Keaktifannya di PBB menjadi salah satu alasan kedekatannya dengan George Clooney yang sama-sama aktif di kegiatan sosial. Kala itu sang aktor dikabarkan jatuh cinta pada Amal karena kecerdasannya.[4]

1. "Amal Clooney", //id.wikipedia.org., Diakses pada tanggal 23 Desember 2022, Link: https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amal_Clooney
2. "Mengenal Lebih Dekat Amal Alamuddin, Pengacara Cantik Istri George Clooney", hot.detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 23 Desember 2022, Link: https://hot.detik.com/hot-profile/d-2715086/mengenal-lebih-dekat-amal-alamuddin-pengacara-cantik-istri-george-clooney
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Rabu, 28 Desember 2022

After 10 Years of Marriage, This Man is Divorced by His Wife Because He is Addicted To Fishing


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Soedikno Mertokusumo, Pakar Hukum Perdata Dan Hukum Acara Perdata", "Contoh Permohonan Talak Alasan Pertengkaran", "Contoh Gugatan Cerai Alasan Pertengkaran" you may read also "Gugatan Cerai di Tangerang" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'After 10 years of marriage, this man is divorced by his wife because he is addicted to fishing'.

Having a hobby that is too excessive can actually trigger a divorce. As happened to this couple from China. A woman sure-named Zhang filed for divorce from her husband of 10 years because of her fishing addiction. This hobby makes the husband often ignore his family.[1]

According to the divorce case documents issued by a court in Shandong Province, China, Zhang stated that she could no longer stand her husband's addiction to fishing. Every day the wife has to do all the household chores and take care of her two children without anyone's help.[2]

While her husband just lays on the sofa everyday playing on his cell phone. In the evening, he would go fishing with his friends, after eating dinner. Zhang had asked him many times to spend time with his wife and children. But his request was ignored and he prefers to hang out with friends. Until finally Zhang decided that divorce was the only option.[3]

"I get up at 6 every morning to prepare breakfast. I take the children to school before work. Every day it is I who wash the dishes, clean the house, pick up the children from school and help them with their homework... I am exhausted," Zhang explained in lawsuit documents, as quoted from Oddity Central. "But my husband wakes up after I prepare breakfast, and after work, he just lies on the couch and plays on his phone. After dinner he goes straight to fishing, often staying up all night," she continued.[4]

Tired and annoyed that his wife was always nagging and complaining, the man whose name is only known as Sun, agrees to a divorce. Mediation was carried out but only reached a stalemate. The court also granted Zhang's divorce request. But on the day of the trial, Sun was absent because he forgot and instead went fishing.[5] That's so funny, hired an attorney then.

Sun's behavior made the judge furious. The judge then scolded Sun and said that family was more important than fishing. "Fishing is not a bad thing, but there is always a limit to everything. After marriage, you have responsibilities as husband or wife, and parents. Don't put fishing before family," said the judge.[6] And if you have any legal issue with this topic, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "10 Tahun Menikah, Pria Ini Diceraikan Istri karena Ketagihan Mancing", //wolipop.detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 17 Desember 2022, Link: https://wolipop.detik.com/entertainment-news/d-6466598/10-tahun-menikah-pria-ini-diceraikan-istri-karena-ketagihan-mancing
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.

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