Rabu, 19 Februari 2025

Viral, Case of Lawsuit to Street Vegetable Seller at Magetan District Court


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Electronic BPKB (Motor Vehicle Owner's Book) Has Been Launched in Indonesia", "Scammed by a Itinerant Street Vendor", you may read also "Deceived by Buying Durian Online" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Viral, Case of Lawsuit to Street Vegetable Seller at Magetan District Court'.

Bitner Sianturi filed a lawsuit against two mobile vegetable traders on the grounds that their efforts caused his grocery store to lose customers. He demanded compensation because he felt that his income had decreased drastically due to competition with the traveling traders. He is demanding compensation of IDR. 540 million and IDR. 1,000,- as material compensation due to losses he claims to have suffered over the last five years.[1] It was also reported that Bitner filed this lawsuit via the E-court application independently without using the services of a lawyer.[2]

In his lawsuit, Bitner sued two street vegetable seller, namely Sumarno alias Marno and Wiyono. Apart from that, other parties who were also sued were the Head of Pesu Village and other Village Officials.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Bitner Sianturi Cabut Gugatan, tapi Tetap Minta Pedagang Sayur di Magetan Bayar Ganti Rugi Rp. 1.000,- dan Rp. 540 Juta", www.kompas.com, Tri Indriawati, 12 Februari 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 19 Februari 2025, Link: https://www.kompas.com/jawa-tengah/read/2025/02/12/151331588/bitner-sianturi-cabut-gugatan-tapi-tetap-minta-pedagang-sayur-di
2. "Viral Kasus Bitner Sianturi vs Tukang Sayur Keliling, PN Magetan Soroti Efektivitas E-Court", www.jatimtimes.com., Basworowati Prasetyo Nugraheni - Editor : Nurlayla Ratri, 10 Februari 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 19 Februari 2025, Link: https://jatimtimes.com/baca/331211/20250210/153700/viral-kasus-bitner-sianturi-vs-tukang-sayur-keliling-pn-magetan-soroti-efektivitas-e-court
3. "Dalih Bitner Gugat Penjual Sayur Rp 540 Juta gegara Warungnya Sepi", www.detik.com., Amir Baihaqi, Jumat, 07 Feb 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 19 Februari 2025, Link: https://www.detik.com/jatim/hukum-dan-kriminal/d-7766888/dalih-bitner-gugat-penjual-sayur-rp-540-juta-gegara-warungnya-sepi

Selasa, 18 Februari 2025

Electronic BPKB (Motor Vehicle Owner's Book) Has Been Launched in Indonesia

(Dok. Korlantas Polri)

Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Scammed by a Itinerant Street Vendor", "Deceived by Buying Durian Online", you may read also "Case of Ordering 100 Kg Durian" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Electronic BPKB (Motor Vehicle Owner's Book) Has Been Launched in Indonesia'.

BPKB (Motor Vehicle Owner's Book) will be more sophisticated because it is electronic. The shape has also changed, if it was originally a book with a fairly wide size, it is now smaller. If we pay attention, its current shape resembles a passport. Its sophistication is also similar to an electronic passport, namely it is equipped with a chip to store vehicle data. "In the past, the BPKB had paper that was quite wide. Later, it was small like a passport. There was a chip that contained complete vehicle data. If it was lost, we could access it easily so it could be printed again," explained Head of the BPKB Sub-Directorate, Directorate of Police Traffic Corps, Commissioner Pol. Sumardji.[1]

Even though the form and technology involved are more sophisticated, there has been no change regarding costs. For information, the cost of issuing a new BPKB still refers to Government Regulation (PP) no. 76 of 2020 concerning Types and Rates of PNBP Applicable to the National Police. It says that the cost of issuing a BPKB or changing ownership will be IDR 225 thousand for a two-wheeled or three-wheeled motorized vehicle. Meanwhile, for four-wheeled vehicles, the cost of issuing a new one and changing ownership is IDR 375 thousand. "There has been no change in costs," said Sumardji.[2]

The existence of electronic BPKB will make things easier for vehicle owners. The electronic BPKB contains the complete identity of the vehicle owner. Implementing electronic BPKB will also make the vehicle mutation process faster. It is even claimed that the process takes no more than one day. As is known, the process of mutation or duplication of lost BPKB must take months. The electronic BPKB is integrated with several things such as vehicle history, vehicle data, and can be connected to NFC on a smartphone. However, please note that this electronic BPKB will only come into effect in March 2025, specifically for new cars. Meanwhile, it is not yet known when exactly two-wheeled vehicles will be implemented because it adjusts to the existing budget.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "BPKB Jadi Elektronik: Tak Lagi Pakai Kertas Lebar, Mirip Paspor", oto.detik.com., Dina Rayanti, 12 Feb 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 18 Februari 2025, Link: https://oto.detik.com/berita/d-7774134/bpkb-jadi-elektronik-tak-lagi-pakai-kertas-lebar-mirip-paspor?utm_source=detik.com&utm_medium=referral
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2025

Scammed by a Itinerant Street Vendor


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Deceived by Buying Durian Online", "Case of Ordering 100 Kg Durian", you may read also "Case of Tour to Durian Farm" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Scammed by a Itinerant Street Vendor'.

Once upon a time there was a durian fan named Feng who confided in himself and felt he had been cheated by a durian seller. Feng, who lives in Geylang Bahru, Singapore, told of his experience of being offered by a itinerant street vendor.[1]

Finally Feng bought durian because the price was quite reasonable. The seller was offering durian at a price of 18 SGD (IDR. 215,000) per kilogram. Feng initially intended to only buy two durians, but the seller persuaded him and said he would get one free durian if he bought four durians.[2]

In total, Feng bought durian weighing 19.8 kg or the equivalent of SGD 356 (IDR 4.3 million). However, what made Feng even more disappointed was the quality and taste of the durian he received. The free durian that was used as a bonus turned out to be poor quality durian with an unpleasant taste that couldn't even be eaten.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "5 Kasus Penipuan Durian yang Bikin Rugi Ratusan Juta Rupiah", www.detik.com., Sonia Basoni - detikFood, Selasa, 21 Jan 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 7 Februari 2025, Link: https://food.detik.com/info-kuliner/d-7742689/5-kasus-penipuan-durian-yang-bikin-rugi-ratusan-juta-rupiah/2
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Jumat, 14 Februari 2025

Deceived by Buying Durian Online


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Case of Ordering 100 Kg Durian", "Case of Tour to Durian Farm", you may read also "Durian Seller From Sungai Klau, Malaysia Lost RM 414,932" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Deceived by Buying Durian Online'.

Fraud can happen anywhere and at any time, even through online durian sites that don't seem suspicious. This unfortunate incident happened to a woman from Singapore named Xu. He was cheated out of SGD 53,780 (IDR. 596 million) when he wanted to buy durian on an online site.[1]

This 50 year old woman initially saw a durian advertisement on Facebook. At that time he was tempted to buy Musang King durian at a price of SGD 6 (IDR. 66,527) which was considered very cheap. He was told to send money using the application requested by the seller.[2]

Because the application had an error, Xu entered it several times. But the employee reported that the payment had not been successful and told him to go to the bank. Not long after he made another transaction to buy food, Xu was surprised to find a withdrawal of SGD 53,780 (IDR. 596 million).[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "5 Kasus Penipuan Durian yang Bikin Rugi Ratusan Juta Rupiah", www.detik.com., Sonia Basoni - detikFood, Selasa, 21 Jan 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 7 Februari 2025, Link: https://food.detik.com/info-kuliner/d-7742689/5-kasus-penipuan-durian-yang-bikin-rugi-ratusan-juta-rupiah/2
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Kamis, 13 Februari 2025

Case of Ordering 100 Kg Durian


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Case of Tour to Durian Farm", "Durian Seller From Sungai Klau, Malaysia Lost RM 414,932", you may read also "Japanese Court Demands Dewi Sukarno Pay a Fine of IDR 3 Billion" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Case of Ordering 100 Kg Durian'.

Home of Durian is a famous durian shop in Singapore. Recently they opened a durian auction for charity at the Kidney Dialysis Foundation organization. But these good intentions did not turn out to be smooth. A few days before the charity auction started, a consumer ordered 100 kg of durian from the Home of Durian.[1]

The consumer immediately contacted the shop owner named Samuel Chen. Due to the abundance of durian orders, Samuel finally prepared hundreds of durians specifically for these consumers. Unfortunately, on the day of the auction, the customer disappeared without a word and did not pay for his durian order.[2]

Because durian fruit rots quickly, Samuel lost up to SGD 2,000 (IDR. 29.3 million). This is the first time Chen has been cheated in the durian business.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "5 Kasus Penipuan Durian yang Bikin Rugi Ratusan Juta Rupiah", www.detik.com., Sonia Basoni - detikFood, Selasa, 21 Jan 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 7 Februari 2025, Link: https://food.detik.com/info-kuliner/d-7742689/5-kasus-penipuan-durian-yang-bikin-rugi-ratusan-juta-rupiah/1
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Rabu, 12 Februari 2025

Case of Tour to Durian Farm


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Durian Seller From Sungai Klau, Malaysia Lost RM 414,932", "Japanese Court Demands Dewi Sukarno Pay a Fine of IDR 3 Billion", you may read also "Fintech Synapse's Bankruptcy Leaves Thousands of Customers in the US at a Loss" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Case of Tour to Durian Farm'.

This fraud case began when a woman named Lie from Singapore saw an online advertisement on Facebook. The 52 year old woman was tempted by the offer of a tour package called 'GD Travel & Tour', which aimed at the durian plantation in Kulai, Malaysia.[1]

The price is only SGD 28 (IDR. 337,300). He immediately contacted the tour party on Facebook, then continued on WhatsApp and Lie was told to download an application called EG Store on his cellphone.[2]

In the end, Lie didn't buy the ticket because his friends couldn't participate. However, a week later Lie realized that his account had been frozen because there had been a large money transaction to America. The money missing from his account was SGD 110,000 (IDR. 1.3 billion). Even though the money was his savings to marry his son in 2024.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "5 Kasus Penipuan Durian yang Bikin Rugi Ratusan Juta Rupiah", www.detik.com., Sonia Basoni - detikFood, Selasa, 21 Jan 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 7 Februari 2025, Link: https://food.detik.com/info-kuliner/d-7742689/5-kasus-penipuan-durian-yang-bikin-rugi-ratusan-juta-rupiah/1
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2025

Durian Seller From Sungai Klau, Malaysia Lost RM 414,932


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Japanese Court Demands Dewi Sukarno Pay a Fine of IDR 3 Billion", "Fintech Synapse's Bankruptcy Leaves Thousands of Customers in the US at a Loss", you may read also "Gao And Kara: The Story of New Zealand Runaway Millionaire" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Durian Seller From Sungai Klau, Malaysia Lost RM 414,932'. This durian seller from Sungai Klau, Malaysia lost RM 414,932 (Rp. 1.4 billion), after one of the buyers provided fake proof of transfer to pay for the Musang King durian he bought.[1] 

This incident started when a buyer made 26 transactions to purchase Musang King durian at the shop. He asked that the payment be made online. This online payment is done quite often, because Lok Kiam continues to buy various types of durian from the shop. But the seller only realized this fraudulent act, when the seller discovered that no money had come in from dozens of transactions.[2] 

Even after recalculating, the losses he experienced reached IDR 1.4 billion. Because it turns out that all the proof of payment sent by this fraudster was fake, and was never recorded at the bank where the durian seller opened an account.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "5 Kasus Penipuan Durian yang Bikin Rugi Ratusan Juta Rupiah", www.detik.com., Sonia Basoni - detikFood, Selasa, 21 Jan 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 7 Februari 2025, Link: https://food.detik.com/info-kuliner/d-7742689/5-kasus-penipuan-durian-yang-bikin-rugi-ratusan-juta-rupiah/1
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Sabtu, 01 Februari 2025

Japanese Court Demands Dewi Sukarno Pay a Fine of IDR 3 Billion


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Fintech Synapse's Bankruptcy Leaves Thousands of Customers in the US at a Loss", "Gao And Kara: The Story of New Zealand Runaway Millionaire", you may read also "How to Change the Data on Your Land Certificate Due to the Impact of Regional Expansion" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Japanese Court Demands Dewi Sukarno Pay a Fine of IDR 3 Billion'.

The Japanese Labor Court imposed a fine of 29 million yen or around IDR. 3.03 billion on President Sukarno's wife, Naoko Nemoto alias Dewi Sukarno. The sanctions were imposed following the termination of employment (PHK) of two employees. The lawsuit was filed in February 2021. At that time, Dewi's two employees refused to work in the office because they were worried about being exposed to the Covid-19 virus. Meanwhile, it was reported that Dewi had just traveled to Indonesia. Dewi was reportedly angry when she heard the attitude of two of her employees and then laid them off. "I'm also angry with all of you who treated me like a germ even though my test results were negative. You suffer from coronaphobia. I think I will never come to the office again because I can't work with you who have hurt my character," said Dewi.[1]

In March 2022, two of his fired employees filed a labor lawsuit against Dewi's office. For your information, the Japanese Labor Court is a system for resolving disputes through courts between workers and employers quickly and fairly. In August 2022, a litigation decision was made to require the two to pay a combined settlement fee of 6 million yen. However, Dewi reportedly objected to this, resulting in a lawsuit. The issue in the trial was whether or not the dismissal of the two former employees was legal. Dewi's party said that the two employees had a telephone conversation with Dewi's lawyer and clearly agreed to resign. In the conversation, Dewi's lawyer also reportedly admitted that the dismissal was illegal and committed to paying a sum of money to the two employees and accepting the mutually agreed resignation.[2]

Then the court accepted the two employees' plaintiff's lawsuit and decided that the dismissal was invalid, meaning that the employment relationship continued. Lawyer Ayao Masaki, a representative of Your Ace, a law firm that specializes in employment, said the two employees are no longer Dewi employees and have not received a salary since April 2021. One's monthly salary is 270,000 yen, while the other's is 300,000 yen. If wages cannot be paid according to the specified date, the salary paid is mandatory with 3% interest. "If you are unable to pay on the scheduled date, you will be asked to pay legal interest of 3% of the monthly salary that is due from the date of payment, with interest of 3% per year until paid which should have been paid on April 30 2021 is now almost 300,000 yen and interest," the report wrote.[3]

In other words, Dewi was ordered to pay a combined monthly salary of 570,000 yen and interest in full starting April 2021. In addition, when the claims for unpaid overtime wages of the two men were approved, the total amount to be paid by Dewi was approximately 29 million yen as of December 2024, when this decision was issued. Ultimately, the employee remains employed while the case is being fought in court, so the amount paid becomes larger as the trial drags on. Responding to the decision, Dewi admitted that there was no problem. "It's okay to lose!" said Dewi.[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us for business inquiry, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Pengadilan Jepang Tuntut Dewi Sukarno Bayar Denda Rp 3 Miliar", www.detik.com., Andi Hidayat - detikFinance, Minggu, 19 Jan 2025, Diakses pada tanggal 1 Februari 2025, Link: https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-7739928/pengadilan-jepang-tuntut-dewi-sukarno-bayar-denda-rp-3-miliar
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Ari Bias Sues Agnes Monica for Alleged Copyright Infringement of the Song 'Bilang Saja'

   ( iStock ) By: Team of Hukumindo Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about " Bitner Sianturi Has Withdrawn His Lawsu...